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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

Company Gets Rid of Email

Company Gets Rid of Email

In FastCompany.  I saw this direction proposed some time ago.  At that time it was suggested that a wiki like structure would be set up, and any communication would be placed in its appropriate knowledge position.  So you would…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Service Design and Journey Mapping

Service Design and Journey Mapping

Via the Service Innovation group, a video on Service design and journey mapping. Mulling how such systems differ from advisory applications.   Is it a matter of who is assumed to be in control?  See also the ISSIP site.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Thinking Blog

Enterprise Thinking Blog

See Computing Now's Enterprise Thinking Blog.  Part of the IEEE Computing Now effort.  Nicely done, by Joshua Greenbaum, Principal, Enterprise Applications Consulting

From Computational Complexity

Typecasting in Dagstuhl

After this pre-recorded typecast, we learned of the tragic death of Alexey Chervonenkis, the C of VC dimension, a huge loss to the learning community. We’ll have a proper obit soon. Now onto the typecast.
Lance: Hello and2014…

From Schneier on Security

Julian Sanchez on the NSA and Surveillance Reform

Julian Sanchez on the NSA and Surveillance Reform

Julian Sanchez of the Cato Institute has a lengthy audio interview on NSA surveillance and reform. Worth listening to....

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

IBM Master the Mainframe Contest

IBM Master the Mainframe Contest

For something different, IBM is running its tenth Master the Mainframe Contest for students age 13 and up.

From the web site:

What you need to know:

In Fall 2014, IBM is running its tenth Master the Mainframe Contest for students…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft and Data Integration for Analytics

Kraft and Data Integration for Analytics

I note in particular here the use of third party data to integrate with their own.  Good case study for CPG.   It is becoming common to understand and utilize free and syndicated data to apply with your own.  This requires understanding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Looks to Digital for Shopper Experience

Kroger Looks to Digital for Shopper Experience

Another example of increasing use of data to understand and anticipate shopper experience.Kroger looks to digital to improve shopping experience Kroger's recent acquisitions of Harris Teeter and are part of its experimentation…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Request for Information (RFI)-National Privacy Research Strategy

Request for Information (RFI)-National Privacy Research Strategy

Agencies of the Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program are planning to develop a joint National Privacy Research Strategy. On behalf of the agencies, the Cyber Security and Information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Medical Data

Mining Medical Data

On mining medical data.  " .... Your Doctor Knows You're Killing Yourself. The Data Brokers Told Her - in Bloomberg  ... ""  .... You may soon get a call from your doctor if you’ve let your gym membership lapse, made a habitThat…

From Schneier on Security

Detecting Robot-Handwriting

Detecting Robot-Handwriting

Interesting article on the arms race between creating robot "handwriting" that looks human, and detecting text that has been written by a robot. Robots will continue to get better, and will eventually fool all of us....

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Rewards for Motivation

On Rewards for Motivation

An overview of motivational rewards as used in gamification.  In particular a comparison of instrinsic and extrinsic methods.   What works in which conditions.  Which leads to the typical methods of Points, Badges and Leaderboards…

From Schneier on Security

Lesson in Successful Disaster Planning

Lesson in Successful Disaster Planning

I found the story of the Federal Reserve on 9/11 to be fascinating. It seems they just flipped a switch on all their Y2K preparations, and it worked....

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computer Scientists in Popular Science’s “Top Ten of 2014″

Computer Scientists in Popular Science’s “Top Ten of 2014″

Popular Science has released their Top Ten of 2014 which honors the brightest young minds reshaping science, engineering, and the world. Computer scientists Prabal Dutta and Roxana Geambasu made the Top Ten! In Dr. Dutta’s lab…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Buildings and Innovation

Buildings and Innovation

How much do buildings influence creativity?  Apparently they have at MIT.  An interesting study of a particular building that provided a locus for innovation for 55 years.  Chance or not?    There was hope for this at our innovation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Balloons will Ring the Globe

Google Balloons will Ring the Globe

In Tech Review:  Though I heard of it, its progress was new to me.  " .... The boss of the Google X research lab, Astro Teller, says his company’s experimental wireless Internet balloons will deliver Internet access throughout…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Data Science

Future of Data Science

In the NYT: A look at the future of Data Science.   " ... “Current knowledge bases are full of facts,” Mr. Etzioni observed, “but they are surprisingly knowledge poor.” ...  the long-range goal is computer systems that can reason…

From Schneier on Security

Kill Switches for Weapons

Kill Switches for Weapons

Jonathan Zittrain argues that our military weapons should be built with a kill switch, so they become useless when they fall into enemy hands....

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

American Computer Science League Programming Competition

American Computer Science League Programming Competition

If you didn’t see this in the recent CSTA email blast read below about the ACSL Programming Competition:

ACSL has offered a unique programming competition for 36 years. Here are some excellent reasons to participate this year…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Anticipating Value of Analytic Oracles and Advisors

Anticipating Value of Analytic Oracles and Advisors

In ClickZ:  Thoughts on analytics advisory and automating functions:" ... Could the "Analytics Oracle" Be the Next Evolution of Convergence Analytics?  ... A new ascendance of smart platforms that clean and converge data sets…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Presentations on the Future of AI

Presentations on the Future of AI

On the Future of AI, In GigaOM.  " .... Gigaom recently hosted a meetup featuring thought leaders and entrepreneurs in the world of artificial intelligence and deep learning. Watch the videos of their presentations here. ...Interesting…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CS EdCamp Anyone?

CS EdCamp Anyone?

Some of the more interesting professional development events I have been to is recent years have been called EdCamps. Many of these are organized via the EdCamp wiki ( EdCamps are a form of unconference…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Evolution: A Complexity View

The role of sex? Cropped from source Christos Papadimitriou has a joint paper with Adi Livnat, Aviad Rubinstein, Gregory Valiant, and Andrew Wan that will appear soon at FOCS 2014. The conference is October 19–21 in Philadelphia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Private Label Growth

Kroger Private Label Growth

Continued growth of retail private label, statistics:How Kroger's private-label brands fuel growth Kroger's Simple Truth natural private-label brand is on track to reach $1 billion in annual sales, and its Kroger brand is the…

From Computational Complexity

Goodbye MSR-SVC

This week I'm back at Dagstuhl for the Workshop on Algebra in Complexity Theory. Bill is here as well and we hope to have a typecast for you later this week. The big discussion is the closing of Microsoft Research in Silicon…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

How Beyond the Code Attendees Found Their Spark with Anita's Quilt

How Beyond the Code Attendees Found Their Spark with Anita's Quilt

Recently, Shopify put on a super cool conference called Beyond the Code.  Hosted at the Ottawa Convention Centre, the event's main goal was to highlight the role of women in technology.  All types of folks were there,  from devs…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lean Innovation at Amazon

Lean Innovation at Amazon

In Innovation Excellence:  Fascinating piece.  Reporting on a piece in the McKinsey Quarterly.    " ... The company’s information technology was always very good at understanding what the customer wanted and passing the right…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Pay vs the Wallet

Apple Pay vs the Wallet

In Adage:   A long time examination.  In particular, what are the retail implications of having an easy to use,  location aware system for payment and information access.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Goes Darpa

Google Goes Darpa

More on innovation strategies.The famously innovative search company has taken a page from the Pentagon’s radical ideas factory. Here’s what’s brewing in Silicon Valley’s coolest skunkworks.Today Dugan is leading a cadre of big…

From Schneier on Security

Security for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

Security for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released a report titled "Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application." It's very long, and mostly not interesting to me, but there…