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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Productivity

Measuring Productivity

In K@W: Key issue, that I have yet to see done very well.   Or in a standard way that can bear continuous monitoring.  Likely due to the context rapidly changing." ..When a company undergoes a technological change — such as introducing…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Hackers vs. Academics: who is responsible for progress?

Hackers vs. Academics: who is responsible for progress?

Many years ago, I interviewed for a job at a nearby college. One of the professors started talking about how they were working to take the “hacker spirit” out of the students. At the time, I had not yet realized that most professors…

From insideHPC

Satoshi Matsuoka to Keynote Workshop on Directives and Tools for Accelerators

Satoshi Matsuoka to Keynote Workshop on Directives and Tools for Accelerators

The Center for Advanced Computing systems has announced their agenda for the Directives and Tools for Accelerators Workshop. Also known as the Seismic Programming Shift Workshop, the event takes place Oct. 11-13 at the University…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Work

Future of Work

In the CACM:  On the Future of Work Project at Stanford and its implications.  The Future of Work: But What Will Humans Do?  By Moshe Y. Vardi" .... Thus, even if we manage to solve the economic implications of the complete or…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

HLF2015 / Fred Brooks on Software Engineers and Teams

HLF2015 / Fred Brooks on Software Engineers and Teams

This blog post originates from the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Blog. The 3rd Heidelberg Laureate Forum is dedicated to mathematics and computer sciences, and takes place August 23-28, 2015. Abel, Fields, Turing and Nevanlinna Laureates…

From insideHPC

Ace Computers Steps Up HPC for Oil & Gas

Ace Computers Steps Up HPC for Oil & Gas

Ace Computers in Illinois reports that the company is expanding its high performance computer footprint in the Oil & Gas Industry. Not a stranger to this space, the company has than 30 years of experience designing powerful, …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA’s ‘Wait, What? A Future Technology Forum’ Event

DARPA’s ‘Wait, What? A Future Technology Forum’ Event

Currently, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is hosting a three-day Wait, What? A Future Technology Forum focusing on new technologies and how they can change the future, in particular with respect to national…


The Future of Work: But What Will Humans Do?

The Future of Work: But What Will Humans Do?

Weighing in on the most consequential changes anticipated in the workplace.

From insideHPC

Allinea Forge Sparks Convergent Science Combustion Simulation

Allinea Forge Sparks Convergent Science Combustion Simulation

Convergent Science reports that the company has adopted the Allinea Forge development tool suite. As the leader in internal combustion engine (ICE) simulation, Convergent Science is using Allinea to increase the capability and…

From Schneier on Security

Drone Self-Defense and the Law

Drone Self-Defense and the Law

Last month, a Kentucky man shot down a drone that was hovering near his backyard. WDRB News reported that the camera drone's owners soon showed up at the home of the shooter, William H. Merideth: "Four guys came over to confront…

From insideHPC

Bo Ewald Presents: D-Wave Quantum Computing

Bo Ewald Presents: D-Wave Quantum Computing

"Despite the incredible power of today’s supercomputers, there are many complex computing problems that can’t be addressed by conventional systems. Our need to better understand everything, from the universe to our own DNA, leads…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Baidu Virual Assistant: Duer

Baidu Virual Assistant: Duer

Baidu adds an AI personal assistant, Duer, to its mobile search app  " ..  Baidu showed off Duer's voice-activated capabilities with a version of the software embedded in a robot ... ".   There is even a  debate about the name…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blocking People who Block your Ads

Blocking People who Block your Ads

The Countermeasures start.   Will the 'free' structure of the Internet erode?   In Adage:  " ... The Washington Post Tries Blocking People Who Ad-Block ... Testing Different Responses for Visitors Who Refuse to See Ads   .. " …

From Schneier on Security

Cheating News from the Chess World

Cheating News from the Chess World

Chess player caught cheating at a tournament: I kept on looking at him. He was always sitting down, he never got up. It was very strange; we are taking about hours and hours of playing. But most suspicious of all, he always had…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chip in a Pill Accepted by US Regulators

Chip in a Pill Accepted by US Regulators

An approach we examined analytically for compliance in pharmaceutical applications.  Beyond that there are a number of possible other applications. In the FT:   " .... Smart medicines that tell doctors when their patients have…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

‘Solar Superstorms’ Combines Computational Science and Data Visualization

‘Solar Superstorms’ Combines Computational Science and Data Visualization

The 24-minute scientific documentary that was released this summer about the dynamics of the sun may soon be coming to a planetarium near you. “Solar Superstorms” is a new documentary that features data-driven visualizations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cracking the Digital Shopper Genome

Cracking the Digital Shopper Genome

In McKinsey:  Thoughtful piece.  The genome template idea is a good place to start thinking about understanding some segmentation or knowledge understanding.   Maybe not as good as a complete ontology.  " .... Cracking the digital…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning Libraries and Architecture Choices

Deep Learning Libraries and Architecture Choices

From DSC:  A library of Deep Learning methods.  This is quite technical, but a great idea.  Learning advances by not only learning ourselves but by sharing learning.  Unless we have a shared language and architecture that is…

From insideHPC

Intel’s Diane Bryant to Keynote HPC Matters Plenary at SC15

Intel’s Diane Bryant to Keynote HPC Matters Plenary at SC15

"Starting in 2013, the SC conference organizers launched “HPC Matters” to encourage members of the computational sciences community to share their thoughts, vision, and experiences with how high performance computers are used…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistant Ontologies in the Smart City

Assistant Ontologies in the Smart City

Today's talk: Professor Paolo Nesi from the University of Florence, Italy, presented “Km4City: Smart City Ontology Building for Effective Erogation (Distributing) of Services.”  Impressive view of what the city of Florence, Italy…

From Computational Complexity

Designer Chips

A computer architecture researcher talked to me about a role theoretical computer science can play for them: creating a new kind of computer processor. Microprocessors stopped getting faster a decade ago due to energy challenges…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rule of Three for Engagement

Rule of Three for Engagement

In Copyblogger:  Using rule of three to create engaging content." .... It’s no accident that the number three is pervasive throughout some of our greatest stories, fairy tales, and myths.It’s also no coincidence that some ofIt…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Dell Workshop on Large Genomic Data sets Coming to La Jolla Sept. 15

Podcast: Dell Workshop on Large Genomic Data sets Coming to La Jolla Sept. 15

In this podcast, David Bump from Dell describes an upcoming Workshop on large genomic data sets coming to La Jolla, California on Sept. 15, 2015. "Please join us for this one day workshop featuring presentations from Dell, Appistry…

From insideHPC

Optimization Through Profiling

Optimization Through Profiling

Through profiling, developers and users can get ideas on where an application’s hotspots are, in order to optimize certain sections of the code. In addition to locating where time is spent within an application, profiling tools…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Young Should We Start Teaching Computer Science?

How Young Should We Start Teaching Computer Science?

The other day I read about a new book in the works for teaching Boolean concepts to babies. Yes Babies. A computer scientist is writing a book about programming for babies Seriously? Apparently. In fact:The Kickstarter campaign…

From insideHPC

Video: HPC in Earth & Planetary Science using mitgcm

Video: HPC in Earth & Planetary Science using mitgcm

Christopher Hill from MIT presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. "The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate. Its non-hydrostatic formulation enables…

From Schneier on Security

FBI and Apple's Encryption

FBI and Apple's Encryption

The New York Times is reporting that Apple encryption is hampering an FBI investigation: In an investigation involving guns and drugs, the Justice Department obtained a court order this summer demanding that Apple turn over,…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Bebras Computing Challenge

Bebras Computing Challenge

This is a new one to me but it looks interesting. I like that it runs down to grades lower than high school.

In 2014, almost a million participants across 34 countries participated in the Bebras Computing Challenge. It's a …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fiber in the Home and Enterprise

Fiber in the Home and Enterprise

Fiber is coming into the enterprise, the neighborhood, and even into the home here.  Getting up to speed on the claims being made and the underlying technology. Video.   Discovered this piece from SiliconAngle:" .... According…

From insideHPC

Presentations Posted from MUG’15 – MVAPICH User Group

Presentations Posted from MUG’15 – MVAPICH User Group

Ohio State University has posted presentations from MUG'15 MVAPICH User Group. The event took place Aug. 19-21 in Columbus, Ohio.

The post Presentations Posted from MUG’15 – MVAPICH User Group appeared first on insideHPC.

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