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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2016

From insideHPC

Argonne to Develop Applications for ECP Exascale Computing Project

Argonne to Develop Applications for ECP Exascale Computing Project

ECP1Today Argonne announced that the Lab is leading a pair of newly funded applications projects for the Exascale Computing Project (ECP). The announcement comes on the heels of news that ECP has funded a total of 15 application …

From The Eponymous Pickle

SmartStones Wins Singularity Grand Challenge Award

SmartStones Wins Singularity Grand Challenge Award

Been a while since I have mentioned Smartstones, have been slightly connected with their efforts for some time. Still awaiting some test versions of this to review.

Full Document.   Worth following.

September 7, 2016
Hi Franz,


From insideHPC

Dell & EMC in HPC The Journey so far and the Road Ahead

Dell & EMC in HPC  The Journey so far and the Road Ahead

dellemc2Ed Turkel and Percy Tzelnic from Dell Technologies presented this pair of talks at the HPC User Forum in Austin. "This week, Dell Technologies announced completion of the acquisition of EMC Corporation, creating a unique family…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Piggly Wiggly 100th Anniversary

Piggly Wiggly 100th Anniversary

The US grocery chain Piggly Wiggly, is said to be the creator of the modern model grocery store, where the customers walk the aisles doing self service.  They celebrate their 100th anniversary.  Their work was often covered in…

From insideHPC

DDN Powers High Performance Data Storage Fabric at University of Queensland

DDN Powers High Performance Data Storage Fabric at University of Queensland

queensland logoThe Universitys researchers are making landmark discoveries in fields spanning human heritable disease, cancer, agriculture and biofuels manufacture and they depend on our IT team to provide them with the fastest, most efficient…

From insideHPC

New OpenPOWER Servers Accelerate Deep Learning with NVLink

New OpenPOWER Servers Accelerate Deep Learning with NVLink

IBM Power System S812LCToday IBM unveiled a series of new servers designed to help propel cognitive workloads and to drive greater data center efficiency. Featuring a new chip, the Linux-based lineup incorporates innovations from the OpenPOWER community…

From Schneier on Security

Apple's Cloud Key Vault

Apple's Cloud Key Vault

Ever since Ian Kristi, Apple's Head of Security Engineering and Architecture, presented the company's key backup technology at Black Hat 2016, people have been pointing to it as evidence that the company can create a secure backdoor…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner Technological Hype Cycle

Gartner Technological Hype Cycle

I was sent Baseline Magazines's summary commentary on the Gartner Hype Cycle report and asked to comment on it.  As usual an interesting document.  Reasonable forecasts, but there may well be unexpected disruptive competitive…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF WATCH Talk- The Weakest Link

NSF WATCH Talk- The Weakest Link

The next WATCH talk, called The Weakest Linkis Thursday, September 15th, from Noon-1pm EDT. The presenter,Kelly Caine, is a researcher and professor working at the intersection of people and technology. She directs the Humans…

From Technology News

Pride, not money, the spur to eGames King

Pride, not money, the spur to eGames King

Golf has the Ryder Cup, tennis the Davis Cup and now the fast-growing eSports will have the eGames in Pyeongchang in 2018, the main mover behind it, Chester King, told AFP.

From Technology News

US rules for targeted killing using drones need clarifying, RAND report asserts

US rules for targeted killing using drones need clarifying, RAND report asserts

Current U.S. policies on using drones for targeted killing are characterized by ambiguities in interpretations of international law and too many generalities, despite recent efforts by the Obama administration to clarify the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Movidius Acquired by Intel

Movidius Acquired by Intel

Autonomous devices will require vision as their most important sense.  In January, 2016 the company announced a partnership with Google.  Movidius has been active in the Google Project Tango project

Movidius + Intel = Vision for…


Star Trek@50: Inspiring Discovery and Innovation

Star Trek@50: Inspiring Discovery and Innovation

Star Trek has inspired generations to pursue science and technology careers, not a few of whom have transformed part of it into technological and commercial fact.

From updated sporadically at best

Yet Another Blog Post on Industry vs. Academia for CS PhDs

Yet Another Blog Post on Industry vs. Academia for CS PhDs

I recently had the following chat conversation with a Former Student about the possibility of doing a PhD in Computer Science*.

FS: What's the value of grad school if I don't want to stay in academia (other than "grad school might…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Of Dice and Men

Of Dice and Men

In a college  I first learned about Stochastic analysis and Monti Carlo Simulations. Whoa! An academic sounding reason to play with random numbers. It was only later that I discovered randomness as applied to cryptography. By…

From Computational Complexity

Why I Don't Believe in ET

Is there life on other planets? The naive answer is "of course, why should Earth be special." What makes a lottery winner special? We could have just won the life lottery and the losers aren't around to complain.

The more scientific…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots in the Retail Aisle at Lowe's

Robots in the Retail Aisle at Lowe's

Lowes has long been a great experimenter in technology space.  But what has lasted?   Naturally, since it needs expertise to be delivered in a very complex aisle.  Good piece further, about the retail presence of robotics.


From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT on Data Science and Statistics

MIT on Data Science and Statistics

Have been involved in something similar, so this is an interesting approach.    I like the emphasis on decisions as opposed to broad scoping on the alleged 'magic' of data science.  The piece is interesting beyond the statement…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Future of AI: CCC’s Response to OSTP RFI

The Future of AI: CCC’s Response to OSTP RFI

Contributions to this post were made by Greg Hager, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Past Chair and Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University.  In June, the White House Office of Science…

From insideHPC

Video: The ECP Exascale Computing Project

Video: The ECP Exascale Computing Project

paulPaul Messina presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Austin. "The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is a collaborative effort of the Office of Science (DOE-SC) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). As …

From Technology News

Driver dies as Tesla slams into tree in central Dutch town

Driver dies as Tesla slams into tree in central Dutch town

The 53-year-old driver of a Tesla Model S electric car died Wednesday when the vehicle smashed into a tree in the central Dutch town of Baarn and burst into flames, police and firefighters said.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Most Important Skill: Problem Solving

Most Important Skill: Problem Solving

Not know the latest code or algorithms, just solve the problem.   In the simplest way possible.  If you can just test solution X easily, just test X!   So true. You have a toolbox full or tools, and very importantly also a book…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning for Chatbots Part II

Deep Learning for Chatbots Part II

More about Chatbots in KDNuggets.     " .... Check out part 2 of this tutorial on building chatbots with deep neural networks. This part gets practical, and using Python and TensorFlow to implement. .. "   Also points you back…

From insideHPC

It’s “Day 1” for Dell Technologies with New Branding

It’s “Day 1” for Dell Technologies with New Branding

delltechnologiesToday Dell Technologies announced completion of the acquisition of EMC Corporation, creating a unique family of businesses that provides the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapbox Intelligent Geospatial

Mapbox Intelligent Geospatial

 Yes, can see this as a considerable leverage point.  That companies like Twitter and Google are already reaping.   Discussion in Linkedin.

With Mapbox Deal, IBM Watson Will Learn A Lot More About Where Things Are Happening

From The Eponymous Pickle

Service Innovation Professionals

Service Innovation Professionals

Lots of good information coming out of this group.    See the link to their archive of talks.   Innovation and delivering the details is key:

The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals, ISSIP (pronounced iZip)…

From insideHPC

Network Co-design as a Gateway to Exascale

Network Co-design as a Gateway to Exascale

co design 2Achieving better scalability and performance at Exascale will require full data reach. Without this capability, onload architectures force all data to move to the CPU before allowing any analysis. The ability to analyze data …

From insideHPC

Berkeley Lab to Develop Key Applications for ECP Exascale Computing Project

Berkeley Lab to Develop Key Applications for ECP Exascale Computing Project

ECP1Today Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced that LBNL scientists will lead or play key roles in developing 11 critical research applications for next-generation supercomputers as part of DOE's Exascale Computing Project…

From insideHPC

Video: IDC HPC Market Update

Video: IDC HPC Market Update

earlEarl Joseph presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Austin. "HPC is still expected to be a strong growth market going forward. IDC is forecasting a 7.7 percent growth from 2015 to 2019. We're projecting the 2019 HPC Market…

From Technology News

New regulations curb use of drones in Poland

New regulations curb use of drones in Poland

New aviation regulations have taken effect in Poland to limit the flying of drones in populated areas and to require identification plates on drones used for professional purposes.