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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2016

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

My thoughts on Swift

My thoughts on Swift

Swift is a new programming language produced by Apple for its iOS devices (primarily the iPhone). It first appeared two years ago and it has been gaining popularity quickly. Before Swift, Apple programmers were “stuck” with Objective…

From The Noisy Channel

What does it take to Lead Data Scientists?

What does it take to Lead Data Scientists?

You think it’s hard to hire data scientists? Try hiring a data science leader!

From Apophenia

There was a bomb on my block.

There was a bomb on my block.

I live in Manhattan, in Chelsea, on 27th Street between 6th and 7th, the same block in which the second IED was found. It was a surreal weekend, but it is increasingly becoming depressing as the media moves from providing information…

From Schneier on Security

Two Good Essays on the NSA's "Upstream" Data Collection under Section 702

Two Good Essays on the NSA's "Upstream" Data Collection under Section 702

Both are worth reading....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tom Davenport Presentation

Tom Davenport Presentation

Virtual Session With Tom Davenport

Sep 21, 2016 -  7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.      Online

Tom Davenport will be the virtual presenter for the Columbia School of Professional Studies MS in Information and Knowledge Strategy and MS in…

From insideHPC

Cycle Computing Publishes Cloud-Agnostic Glossary

Cycle Computing Publishes Cloud-Agnostic Glossary

glossaryToday Cycle Computing announced the Cloud-Agnostic Glossary, a solution brief written by Cycle Computing executives to help customers understand the different terms the different providers use and how they relate. "Technology…

From insideHPC

Video: CAT Supercomputer to Track Dark Pools on Wall Street

Video: CAT Supercomputer to Track Dark Pools on Wall Street

kelleherIn this video, Better Markets CEO Dennis Kelleher discusses the progress of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), a proposed SEC supercomputer that will be used to track orders and peer into dark pools. While this sounds like a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retailers Losing Digital Control

Retailers Losing Digital Control

Deloitte: Retailers are Losing Digital Control
A new study by Deloitte showed that 56 cents of every dollar spent in stores is influenced digitally. By Evan Clark  ....  ".   I am personally surprised it is not a larger percentage…

From insideHPC

Call For Proposals: ISC 2017 Tutorials and Workshops

Call For Proposals: ISC 2017 Tutorials and Workshops


Submissions are now open for ISC 2017 tutorial and workshop proposals. The ISC 2017 conference takes place June 18-22, 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The post Call For Proposals: ISC 2017 Tutorials and Workshops appeared first on…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Algorithms in the Field Program Solicits Proposals for its Third Year

NSF Algorithms in the Field Program Solicits Proposals for its Third Year

The following is a guest blog post byTracy Kimbrel, Program Director, Computing and Communication Foundations, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation. The National Science Foundations Directorate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Staying Ahead of Smart Machines

Staying Ahead of Smart Machines

A look at content generation using smart machines.  A newly discovered philosophical blog.   Lots of companies are considering the implications of AI today.

From insideHPC

Nimbix Cloud Adds Docker Integration to JARVICE

Nimbix Cloud Adds Docker Integration to JARVICE

nimbix"PushToCompute is the easiest and most advanced DevOps pipeline for high performance applications available today, said Nimbix CTO Leo Reiter. It seamlessly enables serverless computing of even the most complex workflows, greatly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Chatbot

Microsoft Chatbot

I was late to learn about this, but here from Microsoft Research about an aborted chatbot called Tay, operating on Twitter, that apparently turned abusive.     No mention here of MS's much better known bot Cortana.   You do wonder…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Worlds of Co-Innovation

On Worlds of Co-Innovation

Actually have heard relatively little lately about cooperative innovation lately.  Good to see this from the Cisco blog describing some of their efforts,  with some interesting examples.   And another post on defining co-innovation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards Guidance on Robot Ethics

Towards Guidance on Robot Ethics

Scientists develop official guidance on robot ethics   By Ryan Whitwam

It was decades ago when science fiction great Isaac Asimov imagined a world in which robots were commonplace. This was long before even the most rudimentary…

From insideHPC

Next Generation Sequencing

Next Generation Sequencing

genomicsWith a massive surge in genomics research, the ability to quickly process very large amounts of data is now required for any organization that is involved in genomics. While the cost has been reduced significantly, the amount…

From insideHPC

Avere Systems Unveils New Cloud-Core NAS (C2N) for the Enterprise

Avere Systems Unveils New Cloud-Core NAS (C2N) for the Enterprise

avere"The Avere C2N System transforms traditional storage environments into cloud infrastructure that scales from 120 Terabytes to more than five Petabytes to provide an easy and economical path to the cloud. Unlike other object storage…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Connected Consumers

Connected Consumers

Cisco blog on defining the connected Consumer

Defining the Connected Customer

Lets take a minute to define what we mean by the connected consumer.

First, lets not get too focused on the idea of Millennials or Generation Y users…

From Schneier on Security

More on the Equities Debate

More on the Equities Debate

This is an interesting back-and-forth: initial post by Dave Aitel and Matt Tait, a reply by Mailyn Filder, a short reply by Aitel, and a reply to the reply by Filder....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Generalized Dynamical Machine Learning

Generalized Dynamical Machine Learning

Fascinating short piece.  Will this allow us to pay less attention to architecture of neural networks? Technical.   Will take some time to digest. The term 'Generalized'  warms your heart, but then you have to challenge: How


From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Proof Of The Halting Theorem

Toward teaching computability and complexity simultaneously Computing Large Numbers source Wilhelm Ackermann was a mathematician best known for work in constructive aspects of logic. The Ackermann function is named after him.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Social Interactions in a Teachable Agent

Designing Social Interactions in a Teachable Agent

This a reminder about our Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series this week, Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:30 am ET US (9:30am CT, 7:30 am PT).  Our presenter this week is Erin Walker from Arizona State University…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing Science with Foldit

Crowdsourcing Science with Foldit

I recall reading about this some time ago, and wondering about the value of such methods.  Our own R&D groups had looked at solving related problems.  Here is an update I caught.  Perhaps the best example of value from gamification…

From insideHPC

DDN Releases EXAScaler 3.0 Lustre Solution

DDN Releases EXAScaler 3.0 Lustre Solution

pm"EXAScaler 3.0 raises the bar for Lustre performance and management, said Laura Shepard, senior director of products and vertical markets, DDN. As the worlds most experienced Lustre provider, DDN leverages input from a broad …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The rise of dark circuits

The rise of dark circuits

The latest iPhone 7 from Apple has more computing peak power than most laptops. Apple pulled this off using a technology called ARM big.LITTLE where half of the processor is only used when high performance is needed, otherwise…

From insideHPC

Putting HPC into the Hands of Every Engineer and Scientist

Putting HPC into the Hands of Every Engineer and Scientist

Wolfgang Gentzsch, President, The UberCloudIn this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Wolfgang Gentzsch explains the role of HPC container technology in providing ubiquitous access to HPC. "The advent of lightweight pervasive, packageable, portable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

D-Wave Quantum Offers 1000X Speedup for Machine Learning

D-Wave Quantum Offers 1000X Speedup for Machine Learning

I Have been following D-Wave Quantum Computing for some time.  And yes, if this plays out, it may well revolutionize aspects of machine learning.   D-Wave has been used by NASA and Google.   See my previous posts regarding D-Wave…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Defining the Shopping Experience

Digital Defining the Shopping Experience

Discussion of interest regarding a Deloitte study.  In RetailWire:

Is digital defining the shopping experience?   by Tom Ryan

According to a new Deloitte study, digital platforms such as Facebook and Google are operating at such…

From insideHPC

Adept Releases Open-Source Energy Measurement Tools for Parallel Hardware

Adept Releases Open-Source Energy Measurement Tools for Parallel Hardware

adeptToday, the European Adept Project wrapped up by releasing a set of open-source energy measurement tools. This is a significant step forward in understanding where exactly in a parallel computing system energy is consumed, says…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Call for White Papers

Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Call for White Papers

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) will be sponsoring a visioning activityonSociotechnical Cybersecurity. As a part of this effort, the workshop organizing committee has released a call for white papers in order toboth…

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