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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2017

From My Biased Coin

Grace Hopper College

Grace Hopper College

I hadn't seen the news about Yale renaming Calhoun College to Hopper College;  it just popped into one of my newslines here in the New York times.  I guess I hadn't seen that it was in the works months and months ago, as described…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Curriculum is Hard

Curriculum is Hard

Generally speaking I am a roll my own sort of teacher when it comes to curriculum. This year that is a bit overwhelming because I am teaching four different courses. Now two of them are easy. I have been teaching our freshmen…

From The Noisy Channel

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Machine Learning

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Machine Learning

As someone who often finds himself explaining machine learning to non-experts, I offer the following list as a public service announcement.

Machine learning means learning from data; AI is a buzzword. Machine learning lives …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC and MForesight Launch Event for Cybersecurity for Manufacturers Report

CCC and MForesight Launch Event for Cybersecurity for Manufacturers Report

The organizers from the MForesight and Computing Community Consortium (CCC) workshop on Cyber Security for Manufacturers will be releasing their workshop report at a Launch Event hosted by the House Manufacturing Caucus on September…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Map-R for Event Driven Microservices

Map-R for Event Driven Microservices

As I see this, it gets closer to being able to simulate operationally services you are looking to improve in Map-R.  Via event driven services.   Correct?  And thus addressing the complexity of process, and measuring results.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Fridge that will Bring you a Beer

A Fridge that will Bring you a Beer

Notably a Panasonic concept device that wont be available for 'a few years'.  Points out that the complexity of navigation, even in the realm of a non-custom built smart home, is being addressed.  Also voice control is becoming…

From insideHPC

OCF DATA to sell Bullion High-end Servers

OCF DATA to sell Bullion High-end Servers

Today Atos announced it has signed a channel partner agreement with OCF DATA Limited to resell Atos Bullion servers. OCF will sell the Bullion devices to higher education, manufacturing, and utilities sectors in the UK. "This…

From insideHPC

Predicting Earthquakes with Machine Learning

Predicting Earthquakes with Machine Learning

Researchers at LANL are using Machine Learning to predict earthquakes. “The novelty of our work is the use of machine learning to discover and understand new physics of failure, through examination of the recorded auditory signal…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chaos Engineering in Practice

Chaos Engineering in Practice

Don't remember ever hearing of Chaos Engineering, but had done some engineering in Chaotic, non predictable situations.  It should be noted that this is not about chaos theory, in a mathematical sense, but rather testing andNora…

From insideHPC

OCF Builds Isca Supercomputer for Life Sciences at University of Exeter

OCF Builds Isca Supercomputer for Life Sciences at University of Exeter

Researchers from across the University of Exeter can now benefit from a new HPC machine - Isca - that was configured and integrated by OCF to give the university a larger capacity for computational research. "We’ve seen in the…

From insideHPC

Univa Open Sources Universal Resource Broker for Kubernetes

Univa Open Sources Universal Resource Broker for Kubernetes

Today Univa announced the open source availability of the Universal Resource Broker (URB) adapter for Kubernetes. This new URB adapter will be of interest for organizations running Apache Mesos frameworks that are looking to …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Chatbots

Marketing Chatbots

10 Ways to Use Chatbots for Marketing and Sales

Chatbots have become increasingly popular as messaging applications have become the way brands reach consumers.   By Murray Newlands 

Chatbots have evolved significantly in recent…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at High Performance Interconnects

Radio Free HPC Looks at High Performance Interconnects

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at Dan’s recent talk on High Performance Interconnects. "When it comes to choosing an interconnect for your HPC cluster, what is the best way to go? Is offloading better than onloading…

From The Eponymous Pickle

LG to Double Smart Home Investment by 2020

LG to Double Smart Home Investment by 2020

Makes sense, given how much LG has done with advanced appliances, we examined a number of these.

LG to double smart home investment by 2020     By Lee Min-hyung

Song Dae-hyun, president at LG Electronics' home appliance and air…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Businesses Succeed with AI: Survey of Execs.

How Businesses Succeed with AI: Survey of Execs.

In the HBR via O'Reilly ... Good thoughts here.  Much more at the link.

A Survey of 3,000 Executives Reveals How Businesses Succeed with AI
Jacques Bughin, Brian McCarthy, Michael Chui

The buzz over artificial intelligence (AI)


From The Eponymous Pickle

Baxter Robotics

Baxter Robotics

Recall reading about Baxter in the past, as a 'User Friendly' robot worker.  Back in a 2012 post. Easier to work with, to train, to learn from example?  See my tags from previous posts.   How successful has the idea been?   Here…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Smart Home Moves Slowly

The Smart Home Moves Slowly

Daniel Cooper looks at appliances in the smart home.  We can dole out music and light relatively easily as on demand and intelligent information activity.  I have a dozen such devices in my home. But the Washers, Dryers, Frigs…

From insideHPC

ACM Europe to Focus on Cybersecurity and HPC this week in Barcelona

ACM Europe to Focus on Cybersecurity and HPC this week in Barcelona

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center will host the ACM Europe Conference this week, bringing together over 300 computer scientists from around the world. With main themes centering on Cybersecurity and High Performance Computing…

From Computational Complexity

Rules and Exceptions

As a mathematician nothing grates me more than the expression "The exception that proves the rule". Either we bake the exception into the rule (all primes are odd except two) or the exception in fact disproves the rule.


From insideHPC

Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Interconnects and MPI

Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Interconnects and MPI

"This talk will reflect on prior analysis of the challenges facing high-performance interconnect technologies intended to support extreme-scale scientific computing systems, how some of these challenges have been addressed, and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Buy with a Smile

Buy with a Smile

KFC Just Started Letting Customers Pay In a Way That Could Change Everything
What has happened to fast food lately?
By Chris Matyszczyk   in Inc.  ....

Never, though, has one of the monolithic fast food brands tried what this KFC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unifying Statsitics Computer Science and Applied Math

Unifying Statsitics Computer Science and Applied Math

Makes sense to unify multiple methods,   and though not mentioned here, include logical decision processes as well.

Unifying Statistics, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics    By Lehigh University 

A U.S. National Science…

From Schneier on Security

New Techniques in Fake Reviews

New Techniques in Fake Reviews

Research paper: "Automated Crowdturfing Attacks and Defenses in Online Review Systems." Abstract: Malicious crowdsourcing forums are gaining traction as sources of spreading misinformation online, but are limited by the costs…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

SAVE THE DATE! CSTA2018 Omaha, Nebraska

SAVE THE DATE! CSTA2018 Omaha, Nebraska

Dates for the next CSTA Annual conference have been announced. Put it in your calendar and start making plans now. Get your request for professional development funds into your school/district now and beat the rush. More information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Steering Wheel of the Future

Steering Wheel of the Future

Jaguar's steering wheel of the future revolves around AI

It also travels with you from car to car.

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas  In Engadget ... 

" ... The steering wheel as we know it doesn't have a bright future -- in fact, it might…

From insideHPC

One Stop Systems on Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies

One Stop Systems on Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies

Today One Stop Systems announced that the company ranks in the top half of the Inc. 5000 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies. This is the 7th time OSS has been on the Inc. 5000 list. Of the tens of thousands of companies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sharp Appliances at IFA Berlin

Sharp Appliances at IFA Berlin

Interesting new ideas from Sharp of Japan, but surprising nothing 'smart' being shown.  Sony's Google Assistant Speaker was featured otherwise.   Other than that.  saw a minimum of smart being featured.   Tell me otherwise.


From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Executive Director for Computer Science Teachers Association Search

Executive Director for Computer Science Teachers Association Search

The CSTA  is seeking an Executive Director. A link to the full position profile with the official details is here. That’s the official list of requirements. I have a bit of a wish list myself. It’s an ideal and I don’t know that…

From insideHPC

HPC vs. Cloud – The Return on Investment in eResearch

HPC vs. Cloud – The Return on Investment in eResearch

Alan Williams from NCI presented this talk at the HPC Advisory Council Australia Conference. "Explore the services and technology at the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), based in Canberra, Australia, with Allan Williams…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bosch Develops Stain Scanner

Bosch Develops Stain Scanner

We developed something called the 'Stain Detective', later called the 'Stain Brain',  the intelligence there could be connected to something like Bosch's scanner.   The sensor plus intelligence construction is instructive.  Note…