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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2017

From insideHPC

NVIDIA P100 GPUs come to Google Cloud Platform

NVIDIA P100 GPUs come to Google Cloud Platform

Today the good folks at the Google Compute Platform announced the availability of NVIDIA GPUs in the Cloud for multiple geographies. Cloud GPUs can accelerate workloads such as machine learning training and inference, geophysical…

From insideHPC

GigaSpaces Simplifies Artificial Intelligence Development with Intel BigDL

GigaSpaces Simplifies Artificial Intelligence Development with Intel BigDL

"BigDL’s efficient large-scale distributed deep learning framework, built on Apache Spark, expands the accessibility of deep learning to a broader range of big data users and data scientists,” said Michael Greene, Vice President…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dynamical Machine Learning

Dynamical Machine Learning

Good piece, which combines process and sensors and IoT. Much more detail at the link. Reminds me comments made here before, about how we used classic process control in similar ways, and tried to link it to AI.  As long as it…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Issues First Convergence Awards – Including those in Human Technology Frontier Space

NSF Issues First Convergence Awards – Including those in Human Technology Frontier Space

Recently, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has been looking to highlight the value of convergence. The deep integration of multiple disciplines in order to advance scientific discovery and innovation. As a result, they have…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: How Optalysis Accelerates FFTs with Optical Processing

Slidecast: How Optalysis Accelerates FFTs with Optical Processing

In this RichReport slidecast, Dr. Nick New from Optalysis describes how the company's optical processing technology delivers accelerated performance for FFTs and Bioinformatics. "Our prototype is on track to achieve game-changing…

From insideHPC

New HPC for Materials Program to Help American Industry

New HPC for Materials Program to Help American Industry

Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced a new high-performance computing initiative that will help U.S. industry accelerate the development of new or improved materials for use in severe environments.…

From insideHPC

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 For Demanding HPC Applications

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 For Demanding HPC Applications

Unlock Performance"For those that develop HPC applications, there are usually two main areas that must be considered. The first is the translation of the algorithm, whether simulation based, physics based or pure research into the code that a …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Solid State Cooling from SRI

Solid State Cooling from SRI

Fascinating development reported in IEEE Spectrum.  Have long been a minor student of the physics of refrigeration,  will this development be practical for cooling or even refrigeration?   Also a mention of SRI, who we worked…

From Schneier on Security

ISO Rejects NSA Encryption Algorithms

ISO Rejects NSA Encryption Algorithms

The ISO has decided not to approve two NSA-designed block encryption algorithms: Speck and Simon. It's because the NSA is not trusted to put security ahead of surveillance: A number of them voiced their distrust in emails to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Buy Banks on Smart Homes

Best Buy Banks on Smart Homes

A natural step forward, and a place to connect beyond entertainment.  Selection, design, installation, training, security ....  services come into play with devices and software.

Best Buy Banks on Smart Homes, Experiential Merchandising…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines Learn to be Curious

Machines Learn to be Curious

Clever Machines Learn How to Be Curious 
Quanta Magazine  by John Pavlus

In Quanta.  Machines Learn to be Curious.
The University of California, Berkeley's Pulkit Agrawal is embedding curiosity, or intrinsic motivation, into artificial…

From insideHPC

Yokohama City University Installs Cray XC50-AC Supercomputer for Life Sciences

Yokohama City University Installs Cray XC50-AC Supercomputer for Life Sciences

Today Cray announced that the Yokohama City University in Japan has put a Cray XC50-AC supercomputer into production. Located in the University’s Advanced Medical Research Center, the new Cray supercomputer will power computational…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Joins the Meeting

AI Joins the Meeting

Attentive systems for meeting enhancements.

When AI Joins Your Meeting
By Rowan Trollope  

One of the best things about working at a company with Cisco’s resources is you get to blend fundamental technology research with macroeconomic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coca Cola, AI and Big Data

Coca Cola, AI and Big Data

The Amazing Ways Coca Cola Uses Artificial Intelligence And Big Data To Drive Success    By Bernard Marr 

" ... In fact, Coca Cola was one of the first globally-recognized brands outside of the IT market to speak about Big Data…

From insideHPC

Freshly Funded Optalysys Optical Processing to Speed Genomics

Freshly Funded Optalysys Optical Processing to Speed Genomics

Optalysys, a start-up pioneering the development of light-speed optical coprocessors, today announced the company raised 3.95 million U.S. dollars from angel investors. Optalysys will use the funds to manufacture the first commercially…

From insideHPC

HPE to Bundle Altair PBS Pro Workload Manager

HPE to Bundle Altair PBS Pro Workload Manager

Today Altair announced a multi-year original equipment manufacturing (OEM) agreement with HPE. This agreement represents an expansion of the long-term partnership between HPE and SGI (whom HPE recently acquired). HPE will now…

From insideHPC

Preferred Networks in Japan Deploys 4.7 Petaflop Supercomputer for Deep Learning

Preferred Networks in Japan Deploys 4.7 Petaflop Supercomputer for Deep Learning

Today Preferred Networks announced the launch of a private supercomputer designed to facilitate research and development of deep learning, including autonomous driving and cancer diagnosis. The new 4.7 Petaflop machine is one…

From insideHPC

DeepL Deployes 5 Petaflop Supercomputer at Verne Global in Iceland

DeepL Deployes 5 Petaflop Supercomputer at Verne Global in Iceland

Today Verne Global announced that DeepL has deployed its 5.1 petaFLOPS supercomputer in its campus in Iceland. Designed to support DeepL’s artificial intelligence driven, neural network translation service, this supercomputer…

From insideHPC

Exascale Computing Project Names Doug Kothe as Director

Exascale Computing Project Names Doug Kothe as Director

The Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has named Doug Kothe as its new director effective October 1. "Doug’s credentials in this area and familiarity with every aspect of the ECP make him the ideal person…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Foot Traffic Counting

Foot Traffic Counting

This company called Density was brought back to my attention for possible analysis.  we did this kind of analysis in the retail aisle.  (Their site at  no longer exists, leaving this here to state the problem)

" ...…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Looking at Smart Glasses

Amazon Looking at Smart Glasses

Ultimately there will be non obtrusive, wearable communications devices in common use.

Report: Amazon is working on smart glasses powered by Alexa   in FastCompany

Amazon’s first wearable would tether wirelessly to a smartphone…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Factory Showing an Agile Way

Digital Factory Showing an Agile Way

Podcast on Digital Factory Model

Companies are beginning to use digital factories as incubators of more agile ways of working, often filtering the best attributes of the factory culture back to the larger organization.

A digital…

From Schneier on Security

What the NSA Collects via 702

What the NSA Collects via 702

New York Times reporter Charlie Savage writes about some bad statistics we're all using: Among surveillance legal policy specialists, it is common to cite a set of statistics from an October 2011 opinion by Judge John Bates,…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Drama Therapy: A Math Viewpoint

What is drama therapy? Kathryn Farley obtained her PhD from Northwestern University in performance studies in 2007. After almost a decade working in that area, she has just started a Master’s program at New York University in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Powered Lamp by GE

Alexa Powered Lamp by GE

Had heard of this late last year, it is here:

GE's Sol lamp is the world's first Alexa-powered desk lamp, and it's brilliant  ... "

Amazon's Alexa voice assistant can no longer be contained to the company's Echo devices.

From smartwatches…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computer Hardware’s Ongoing Metamorphosis, as reported in the New York Times

Computer Hardware’s Ongoing Metamorphosis, as reported in the New York Times

The following is a guest blog post from CCC Vice Chair and Post Moore’s Law Computing Task Force Chair Mark Hill from University of Wisconsin-Madison and former CCC Chair and Artificial Intelligence Task Force Chair Greg Hager…

From insideHPC

Intel offers up AI Developer Resources in the Cloud

Intel offers up AI Developer Resources in the Cloud

Today at the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Francisco, Intel’s Lisa Spelman announced the Intel Nervana DevCloud, a cloud-hosted hardware and software platform for developers, data scientists, researchers,…

From insideHPC

China Upgrading Milky Way 2 Supercomputer to 95 Petaflops

China Upgrading Milky Way 2 Supercomputer to 95 Petaflops

Researchers in China are busy upgrading the MilkyWay 2 (Tianhe-2) system to nearly 95 Petaflops (peak). This should nearly double the performance of the system, which is currently ranked at #2 on TOP500 with 33.86 Petaflops on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI is Marketing Hype?

AI is Marketing Hype?

My team and I were involved in the last big hype cycle of AI.  We lost a large chunk of investment in the space.   So the question is a reasonable one.   What should we do?  How should we invest?

  There have been very big advances…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emergence of Practical Augmented Reality (AR)

Emergence of Practical Augmented Reality (AR)

I am a long time experimenter with the concept of AR in Business.  We experimented with very early (1980s) applications with specialized hardware.  For things like manufacturing line maintenance. Packaging analysis.   Applications…

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