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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and in Aisle Checkout

Wal-Mart and in Aisle Checkout

Continue to follow the idea of in-aisle checkout, see my tag below.

Walmart deploying tech that lets in-store shoppers check out — on their own    By Deena M. Amano-MCCoy

Walmart is expanding the deployment of its Scan & Go mobile…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Designing Projects for Programming Students

Designing Projects for Programming Students

Last night a teacher friend of mine gave me a USB stick with the projects he uses with his students. I have projects for C++, Python, Java, and Visual Basic from him. Oh and there are 60+ in each category. It’s going to takeKeeping…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Constructing an Amazon Echo Skill via Java

Constructing an Amazon Echo Skill via Java

How to construct an Amazon Echo Skill using Java    An introduction in Github.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nike Customizing Sneakers

Nike Customizing Sneakers

Customization or perhaps late stage differentiation.  But note only for a limited time and place.  Plays to the current craze for fast delivery.  Adds a level of exclusiveness.  Discussion at the link too.

Nike customizes shoes…

From insideHPC

NASA Perspectives on Deep Learning

NASA Perspectives on Deep Learning

Nikunj Oza from NASA Ames gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "This talk will give a broad overview of work at NASA in the space of data sciences, data mining, machine learning, and related areas at NASA. This will include …

From insideHPC

JAIST in Japan installs Cray XC40 Supercomputer

JAIST in Japan installs Cray XC40 Supercomputer

Today Cray announced the Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (JAIST) has put a Cray XC40 supercomputer into production. The Cray XC40 supercomputers incorporate the Aries high performance network interconnect …

From insideHPC

GPUs Accelerate Population Distribution Mapping Around the Globe

GPUs Accelerate Population Distribution Mapping Around the Globe

population distributionWith the Earth’s population at 7 billion and growing, understanding population distribution is essential to meeting societal needs for infrastructure, resources and vital services. This article highlights how NVIDIA GPU-powered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon, Robotics and Jobs

Amazon, Robotics and Jobs

Amazon Just Showed Us What Really Happens When Robots Replace Jobs

They've already got 100,000 robots and are adding (a lot) more.
 By Lisa Calhoun   in Inc.  Video below. 

There are as many opinions about jobs and artificial


From Schneier on Security

Apple's FaceID

Apple's FaceID

This is a good interview with Apple's SVP of Software Engineering about FaceID. Honestly, I don't know what to think. I am confident that Apple is not collecting a photo database, but not optimistic that it can't be hacked with…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open AI Framework by Microsoft and Facebook

Open AI Framework by Microsoft and Facebook

From the Facebook research blog.  A further indication of the progress in standardizing how such systems should be built and maintained.   Would be useful to now compare this to work by Google in TensorFlow.   Is it comparable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quartz Guide to AI

Quartz Guide to AI

 Appears to be a guide useful for the non technical executive.   Good definition of terms at the end.  Intriguing view of the recent progress of AI and why companies care.  Reviewing.

Quartz Guide to AI    Don't Fear the AI .…

From insideHPC

Northrop Grumman to Acquire Orbital ATK for $9.2 Billion

Northrop Grumman to Acquire Orbital ATK for $9.2 Billion

Today Northrop Grumman Corporation announced they have entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Orbital ATK for approximately $7.8 billion in cash, plus the assumption of $1.4 billion in net debt. "Through our combination…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Giant Squid Caught off the Coast of Kerry

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Giant Squid Caught off the Coast of Kerry

The Flannery family have caught four giant squid, two this year. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea – Towards a Unified Spatial Crowdsourcing Platform

Great Innovative Idea – Towards a Unified Spatial Crowdsourcing Platform

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Christopher Jonathan, a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. His paper Toward a Unified Spatial Crowdsourcing Platform, co-authored by Mohamed F. Mokbel, was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Design Tips from the Brain

Getting Design Tips from the Brain

Always interested in the choices made in bio mimicry of any kind.   The architecture will be key.

Computers Are Taking Design Cues From Human Brains 
The New York Times   By Cade Metz

Researchers are taking biological cues to remodel…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interiew with Mobileye for Driverless

Interiew with Mobileye for Driverless

Getting the data right is the most important part.

Vision Sensors by Mobileye.     An interview.

" ... Though Google has become the US face of the driverless car movement, other companies have been developing similar technology…

From insideHPC

Development Trends of Next-Generation Supercomputers

Development Trends of Next-Generation Supercomputers

Bob Sorensen from Hyperion Research describes an ongoing study on the Development Trends of Next-Generation Supercomputers. The project will gather information on pre-exascale and exascale systems today and through 2028 and build…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Congressional App Challenge Launches Today

Congressional App Challenge Launches Today

Something that looks interesting at least in Congressional Districts where there is a sponsor. Visit the web site to check it out.


Congressional App Challenge Launches Today!

It begins today! The third annual Congressional App…

From insideHPC

HPC Reveals Glacial Flow

HPC Reveals Glacial Flow

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Robert Roe looks at research from the University of Alaska that is using HPC to change the way we look at the movement of ice sheets. "The computational muscle behind…

From insideHPC

Pursuit of Sustainable Healthcare through Personalized Medicine with HPC

Pursuit of Sustainable Healthcare through Personalized Medicine with HPC

Graham Anthony from BioVista gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "We apply our systematic discovery platform to develop our pipeline of repositioned drug candidates in neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, oncology and orphan…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Expands Listening Research

Google Expands Listening Research

A movement towards more voice driven assistance?  As a Google Home user I have not seen very much in changes there.   Still fairly narrowly applied.

How Google wants to build a world where every device is listening in TechRepublic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Designs in Delivery Drones

New Designs in Delivery Drones

How will these influence changes in the supply chain.
Designing Delivery Drones,   with video.

Odd Delivery Drone Design Carries Cargo While Keeping it Safe
By Dyllan Furnes in DigitalTrends

As delivery drones become more commonplace…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI System Behavior

AI System Behavior

Teaching AI Systems to Behave Themselves
The New York Times  by Cade Metz

A small but growing community of artificial intelligence (AI) researchers is beginning to explore mathematical techniques that aim to prevent machines from…

From insideHPC

The AI Revolution: Unleashing Broad and Deep Innovation

The AI Revolution: Unleashing Broad and Deep Innovation

AIFor the AI revolution to move into the mainstream, cost and complexity must be reduced, so smaller organizations can afford to develop, train and deploy powerful deep learning applications. It's a tough challenge. The following…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Podcast on Lego

Podcast on Lego

Have followed Lego for years.  Both as a creative toy, and as a means to model more generally.

How Lego Can Rebuild Its Business

Wharton's David Robertson discusses what went wrong at Lego.

Danish toymaker Lego recently surprised…

From Schneier on Security

Bluetooth Vulnerabilities

Bluetooth Vulnerabilities

A bunch of Bluetooth vulnerabilities are being reported, some pretty nasty. BlueBorne concerns us because of the medium by which it operates. Unlike the majority of attacks today, which rely on the internet, a BlueBorne attack…

From Computational Complexity

A problem I thought was interesting- now...

On Nate Silver's page he sometimes (might be once a week) has a column edited by Oliver Roeder of problems. Pretty much math problems though sometimes not quite.

Some are math problems that I have seen before (e.g., hat problems)…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing



Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women In Computing

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing



Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing

From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards a loss of Anonymity

Towards a loss of Anonymity

Face recognition app taking Russia by storm may bring end to public anonymity ... FindFace compares photos to profile pictures on social network Vkontakte and works out identities with 70% reliability ...  " 

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