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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Managing Cyber Risk

On Managing Cyber Risk

Of interest:

Security Researcher at UpGuard, Roane Holman 

The Executive's Guide to Managing Cyber Risk  (Requires registration) 
Regardless of what stage of digital transformation an enterprise finds itself at, the same risks and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Just How Smart are Smart Machines?

Just How Smart are Smart Machines?

Very good piece from some of our communications with MT Sloan.  Read the whole thing.  May require some registration.   Again, very non technical, management  approach to the question.

Just How Smart Are Smart Machines? 

From insideHPC

SC17 Invited Talk to Look at Computing with Physics

SC17 Invited Talk to Look at Computing with Physics

SC17 continues their series of Session Previews with discussion with Dr. Catherine Graves from HP Labs about her upcoming Invited Talk on “Computing with Physics: Analog Computation and Neural Network Classification with a Dot…

From insideHPC

Video: The Future of High Performance Interconnects

Video: The Future of High Performance Interconnects

Ashrut Ambastha from Mellanox gave this talk at the HPC Advisory Council Australia conference. "Ashrut will review Co-Design collaborations with leaders in industry, academia, and manufacturing – and how they’re taking a holistic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Output Visualization for Analytics

Output Visualization for Analytics

Good practical piece out of the latest  Informs Analytics Magazine.   They still prefer to call it analytics rather than data science.    And its always been 'Machine Learning', though not called that. You have always learned…

From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog on Twitter

This Blog on Twitter

From nearly the beginning, this blog has been connected to Twitter.   You can follow it there from my handle @FranzD.  I  selectively mention many posts here.   Some people find that simpler to follow.  See:…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wineries of the Future

Wineries of the Future

Here a big proponent of digital makeovers, though I do wonder when basic physical process should be replaced by automation.   Impressive attempt here I had not heard of.  A control room that looks like a nuclear plant.    Good…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Pickle Index

The Pickle Index

Always liked the idea of a non-sequential novel.  It has been tried many times, never successfully for my taste.  Is it here now?

No relation.  InWired: 

The Pickle Index is a delightfully Weird, App-Driven Novel like no other.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithmically Determining Justice

Algorithmically Determining Justice

In the Alumni Mag, a considerable, but non technical piece that addresses the use of analytical methods to automate crime detection and apply penalties.   Moving closer to the world of the minority report?

The Pennsylvania Gazette…

From insideHPC

Panel Looks at ARM’s Advance towards HPC

Panel Looks at ARM’s Advance towards HPC

In this video from the ARM Research Summit, industry thought leaders discuss the challenges, opportunities, and technical hurdles for the ARM architecture to thrive in the HPC market. "The panel will focus on Arm in HPC, Software…

From updated sporadically at best

The Genius Fallacy

The Genius Fallacy

During our department's PhD Open House this past spring, a student asked what I thought made a PhD student successful. Upon reflection, I realized that my answer now is different than it would have been a few years ago.

My friend…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Visualization Specialist at Pawsey Centre in Australia

Job of the Week: Visualization Specialist at Pawsey Centre in Australia

The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Australia is seeking a Visualization Specialist in our Job of the Week. "As a member of the Data and Visualization team at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, the Visualization Specialist will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hive Robotics

Hive Robotics

Swarming robotics to perform tasks collaboratively is something we examined in warehouse applications.  A different, but structurally similar problem came up recently and I did some searching for the state of the art. This example…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Considerations with Combining AI and Data

Considerations with Combining AI and Data

An interesting and lengthy piece in InfoQ on key issues with the construction and delivery of AI solutions. Use of data ontologies are mentioned,  a good idea.   Their key takeaways are instructive:

- Machine learning in turn


From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Protecting Us

AI Protecting Us

This reminds me of the many 'maintenance'  type systems we worked with.  Warnings can be very useful.  Then add a recommendation tailored to the situation.  And a dialog for the details of  implementation.

Treating Cancer, Stopping…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Groups Lie More than Individuals

Groups Lie More than Individuals

In Analytics Magazine:

" ... When organizations are exposed for large-scale deceptive or corrupt behavior, often it is not the actions of one or two employees, but a coordinated effort of many individuals, to include upper level…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections – September 2017

ACM-W Connections – September 2017

Letter from ACM-W chair. Upcoming ACM-W Celebrations Scholarship awardees of September womENcourage 2017 Welcome from the ACM-W Chair Summer is waning and a new academic year has begun.  After a much deserved break, the volunteers…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Using Squid Ink to Detect Gum Disease

Friday Squid Blogging: Using Squid Ink to Detect Gum Disease

A new dental imagery method, using squid ink, light, and ultrasound. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy Birthday Ken

It was just Ken’s birthday Kenneth Regan’s birthday was just the other day. I believe I join all in wishing him a wonder unbirthday today. The idea of unbirthday is due to Lewis Carroll in his Through the Looking-Glass: and is…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Illustrating the Difference Between Bandwidth and Latency

Illustrating the Difference Between Bandwidth and Latency

Earlier this week my AP CS Principles classes were discussing the difference between latency and bandwidth. My curriculum resource (I’m using the curriculum from describes these two words like this:

Bandwidth - Transmission…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Small Companies Competing with Watson

Small Companies Competing with Watson

I am part of this ecosystem myself. Certainly the small company cannot  afford a complete installation from IBM.  But IBM has made open capabilities available via Watson Bluemix, so assembly work can be done by cheaper contractors…

From The Eponymous Pickle

First lets Replace all the Lawyers

First lets Replace all the Lawyers

From the O-Reilly Newsletter:  (At the link there are lots of links for more detail)

DoNotPay steps into the Equifax breach

The Equifax data breach could expose about half of the US population to risk of identity theft, and—as


From insideHPC

Podcast: Mapping DNA at Near-Atomic Resolution with Cryo-EM

Podcast: Mapping DNA at Near-Atomic Resolution with Cryo-EM

In this podcast, Berkeley Lab’s Eva Nogales describes how her team is using a new imaging technology that is yielding remarkably detailed 3-D models of complex biomolecules critical to DNA function. Using cryo-electron microscopy…

From insideHPC

20 Future HPC Leaders Receive DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

20 Future HPC Leaders Receive DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

Today the Krell Institute announced that new class of 20 future HPC leaders enrolled at U.S. universities this fall with support from the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF). "Established…

From insideHPC

SC17 Invited Talk to Explore the History of the TOP500

SC17 Invited Talk to Explore the History of the TOP500

SC17 continues their series of session previews with a look at an invited talk entitled “The TOP500 List – Past, Present and Future.” Published twice a year, the TOP500 list is a compilation of the world’s 500 largest installations…

From insideHPC

Machine & Deep Learning: Practical Deployments and Best Practices for the Next Two Years

Machine & Deep Learning: Practical Deployments and Best Practices for the Next Two Years

Arno Kolster from Providentia Worldwide gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee. "Providentia Worldwide is a new venture in technology and solutions consulting which bridges the gap between High Performance Computing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Skills for the Amazon Show

Marketing Skills for the Amazon Show

Key will be how new skills integrate with the capabilities of the device, and innovations of marketing, looking forward to see the possibilities.    Lots of video content out there,  but how will this be different from


From Schneier on Security

Another iPhone Change to Frustrate the Police

Another iPhone Change to Frustrate the Police

I recently wrote about the new ability to disable the Touch ID login on iPhones. This is important because of a weirdness in current US law that protects people's passcodes from forced disclosure in ways it does not protect actions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Oracle's Adaptive Intelligence for CX

Oracle's Adaptive Intelligence for CX

Oracle is calling it adaptive intelligence, and is pushing it for better customer experience.

Oracle OpenWorld: Got Customers? Better Get AI For The Best Customer Experience    Linda Currey Post , Oracle in Forbes.

Better customer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Job Losses and Automation

Job Losses and Automation

Basically, we don't know the numbers, the complexity of the system involved is large.

Statistics on job losses due to automation are sensationalist: Anthony Schofield, Deloitte   By Prachi Verma

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