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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2017

From insideHPC

CCIX Project to link ARM Processors to FPGAs for HPC

CCIX Project to link ARM Processors to FPGAs for HPC

Today ARM, Xilinx, Cadence, and Taiwan Semiconductor announced plans to produce the first test chip for the Cache Coherent Interconnect for Accelerators (CCIX) project. CCIX (pronounced "C6") aims to prove that many-core ARM …

From insideHPC

Seeking Teams for the 2018 Student Cluster Competition at ISC in Frankfurt

Seeking Teams for the 2018 Student Cluster Competition at ISC in Frankfurt

The HPC Advisory Council has officially kicked off the ISC-HPCAC Student Cluster Competition (SCC) with an open call for team entries in the 2018 competition. "The Student Cluster Competition provides a real-world hands-on education…

From insideHPC

Video: Characterization and Benchmarking of Deep Learning

Video: Characterization and Benchmarking of Deep Learning

 Natalia Vassilieva from HP Labs gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee. "Our Deep Learning Cookbook is based on a massive collection of performance results for various deep learning workloads on different hardware…

From Apophenia

Data & Society’s Next Stage

Data & Society’s Next Stage

In March 2013, in a flurry of days, I decided to start a research institute. I’d always dreamed of doing so, but it was really my amazing mentor and boss – Jennifer Chayes – who put the fire under my toosh. I’d been driving her…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reshaping Business with AI

Reshaping Business with AI

Good executive view.

Reshaping Business with Artificial Intelligence

Closing the Gap Between Ambition and Action

by: Sam Ransbotham, David Kiron, Philipp Gerbert and Martin Reeves

Disruption from artificial intelligence (AI) is here…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Privacy of Home Robotic Data

Privacy of Home Robotic Data

Thoughful piece that follows up on the use of home robots building models of homes, and potential  sharing of that data.     More broadly we will see this kind of data also being gathered by AR systems as well, for example Google's…

From insideHPC

Solving AI Hardware Challenges

Solving AI Hardware Challenges

Katie Rivera, One Stop SystemsFor many deep learning startups out there, buying AI hardware and a large quantity of powerful GPUs is not feasible. So many of these startup companies are turning to cloud GPU computing to crunch their data and run their algorithms…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

National Briefing Call on K-12 Computer Science Education

National Briefing Call on K-12 Computer Science Education

I'm told this will be very well worth the time. I may even join with my Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles students.

We are pleased to invite you to join an important national briefing call on K-12 computer science…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clearpath Moderizes TurtleBot

Clearpath Moderizes TurtleBot

Clearpath Modernizes TurtleBot With Intel Euclid and iRobot Create  By Evan Ackerman in IEEE Spectrum 

Clearpath Robotics, in partnership with Intel and iRobot, recently announced the newest member of the TurtleBot family: the…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Yet Another Example of the Importance of Good Names

Yet Another Example of the Importance of Good Names

A little Tuesday humor. I think I may use this to help students understand the importance of good variable names and other identifiers.


From Schneier on Security

Securing a Raspberry Pi

Securing a Raspberry Pi

A Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer designed for markers and all sorts of Internet-of-Things types of projects. Make magazine has an article about securing it. Reading it, I am struck by how much work it is to secure. I fear that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Sound Environments

Mapping Sound Environments

We experimented with managing sound environments in retail.  Perhaps a more rigorous way to look at the problem?   See my tags on this.

A New Mobile Application Helps Scientists Map the Sound Environment

via CNRS

".. Researchers…

From The Noisy Channel

Contextual Query Understanding

Contextual Query Understanding

So far, we’ve focused on understanding searchers based entirely on the words they type into the search box. But search doesn’t occur in a vacuum. In the next posts, we’ll look at how context informs query understanding. Here’s…


It's Not the 'Why' Chromosome, It's the 'How'

It's Not the 'Why' Chromosome, It's the 'How'

Women do like the raw technical aspects of computer science.

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A TSP Breakthrough

A new approximation algorithm Composite of src1, src2, src3 Ola Svensson, Jakub Tarnawski, and László Végh have made a breakthrough in the area of approximation algorithms. Tarnawski is a student of Svensson at EPFL in Lausanne…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa as Companion for Hospital Stay

Alexa as Companion for Hospital Stay

An example of AI and chatbot digital assistants being tested for hospital patient interaction.  See the tag below: 'Hospital Virtual Assistants'  for more diverse examples and coverage.   I will continue to use this tag in coming…

From insideHPC

Call for Submissions: Supercomputing Asia 2018 in Singapore

Call for Submissions: Supercomputing Asia 2018 in Singapore

The inaugural Supercomputing Asia conference has issued its Call for Technical Papers. The event takes place March 26-29, 2018 in Singapore.

The post Call for Submissions: Supercomputing Asia 2018 in Singapore appeared firstinsideHPC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics in Hospital Operations

Robotics in Hospital Operations

Continuing my look at Hospital Operations and AI/Robotics/Assistants,  especially with regard to patient interaction and comfort.

Adoption of Robotics Into a Hospital's Daily Operations Requires Broad Cooperation  VTT Technical…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Who Wants to be the DNS Server?

Who Wants to be the DNS Server?

We’re studying how the Internet works in my AP CS Principles course. I wanted a little exercise to help students understand how DNS servers work and maybe through in a bit about address caching.  So I came up with a little role…

From insideHPC

MIT Paper Sheds Light on How Neural Networks Think

MIT Paper Sheds Light on How Neural Networks Think

MIT researchers have developed a new general-purpose technique sheds light on inner workings of neural nets trained to process language. "During training, a neural net continually readjusts thousands of internal parameters until…

From insideHPC

Video: The DOE Exascale Computing Project

Video: The DOE Exascale Computing Project

Doug Koethe from ORNL gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee. “The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) was established with the goals of maximizing the benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) for the United States…

From insideHPC

New OrionX Survey: Insights in Artificial Intelligence

New OrionX Survey: Insights in Artificial Intelligence

In this Radio Free HPC podcast, Dan Olds and Shahin Khan from OrionX describe their new AI Survey. "OrionX Research has completed one the most comprehensive surveys to date of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Resources

Machine Learning Resources

Good list, mostly courses, on these topics.

Writing about AI/ML, growing @YupTechnologies. Previously @Upstart, @Yale, @TrueVenturesTEC.    By Vishal Maini 

The Best Machine Learning Resources
A compendium of resources for crafting…

From Schneier on Security

A Hardware Privacy Monitor for iPhones

A Hardware Privacy Monitor for iPhones

Andrew "bunnie" Huang and Edward Snowden have designed a hardware device that attaches to an iPhone and monitors it for malicious surveillance activities, even in instances where the phone's operating system has been compromised…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Choosing Better Passwords

Choosing Better Passwords

Just started to rethink the effective use of passwords here ....

Choose Better Passwords With the Help of Science 

in The Conversation
Lorrie Cranor; Blase Ur; Lujo Bauer, et al

A team of researchers has been conducting experiments…

From Computational Complexity

The Scarecrow's math being wrong was intentional

In 2009 I had a post about Movie mistakes (see here). One of them was the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz after he got a Diploma (AH- but not a brain) he said

The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isoscles triangle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Webinar on AI Fueling the Retail Supply Chain

Webinar on AI Fueling the Retail Supply Chain

A.I.’s role in fueling the retail supply chain

Retail operators are at a Darwinian crossroads, facing a future in which evolution equates to survival.  Many retailers are looking intently at advanced cognitive science as a way…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and MIT Say Materials and Quantum will Supercharge AI

IBM and MIT Say Materials and Quantum will Supercharge AI

IBM and MIT Bet That Materials and Quantum Advances Will Supercharge AI 
Technology Review

By Will Knight; Elizabeth Woyke

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and IBM have announced a project to probe new deep-learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbots, Theory and Practice

Chatbots, Theory and Practice

Very nicely done piece on Chatbots, and especially conversations that they claim to produce.  Non technical overview.

By Jonathan Mugan in Medium:
AI and machine learning. Co-founder and CEO at DeepGrammar, a startup specializing…

From insideHPC

HPC Challenges in Simulating the World’s Most Powerful Tornados

HPC Challenges in Simulating the World’s Most Powerful Tornados

"What makes this work significant is the use of supercomputing resources to produce simulations of supercells where data is saved with extremely high spatial and temporal resolution, and the use of visualization techniques (such…

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