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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2019

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Scientific Programmer at Redline Performance Solutions

Job of the Week: Scientific Programmer at Redline Performance Solutions

RedLine is seeking a a Scientific Programmer/Analyst – MRMS candidate(s) to support the Implementation and Data Services Branch (IDSB) in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO). The …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Doubling the speed of std::uniform_int_distribution in the GNU C++ library

Doubling the speed of std::uniform_int_distribution in the GNU C++ library

The standard way in C++ to generate a random integer in a range is to call the std::uniform_int_distribution function. The current implementation of std::uniform_int_distribution in the GNU C++ library (libstdc++) to generate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enhanced Packaging via Google Lens

Enhanced Packaging via Google Lens

Enhancing packaging with scans?  I thought this had been done already with QR codes, I still see it on packages.   Google lens can be found on IOS and Android.   You point it at a package, I assume anywhere on the package,  and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Measures for AI

Measures for AI

Essential to get these straight,  sometimes quite simple, often not.   How do they link to goals?

The problem with metrics is a big problem for AI in Fast.AI

Written: 24 Sep 2019 by Rachel Thomas

Goodhart’s Law states that “When…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Did Super-Intelligent Giant Squid Steal an Underwater Research Station?

Friday Squid Blogging: Did Super-Intelligent Giant Squid Steal an Underwater Research Station?

There's no proof they did, but there's no proof they didn't. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Supremacy

Quantum Supremacy

In a recent conversation the term 'Quantum Supremacy' came up and I mentioned it here, and the concept also was implied in some writing today.   Google has made some claims.  Note this deals with a rough measure of the value


From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Wants to Take Facial Recognition Regulation Lead

Amazon Wants to Take Facial Recognition Regulation Lead

A number of experts from the retail sector have comments in the full article:

Amazon wants to take the lead on regulating facial recognition tech   byTom Ryan in Retailwire

In unveiling its new hardware devices in Seattle on Wednesday…

From Schneier on Security

Superhero Movies and Security Lessons

Superhero Movies and Security Lessons

A paper I co-wrote was just published in Security Journal: "Superheroes on screen: real life lessons for security debates": Abstract: Superhero films and episodic shows have existed since the early days of those media, but since…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Unveils Cinci FoodHall

Kroger Unveils Cinci FoodHall

Look forward to seeing this in person.   Particularly interested in seeing their multiple food court idea.   Have in the past seen some of their test restaurant in town, and found them good but not good enough.   My advice is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supporting Multiple Device Assistance

Supporting Multiple Device Assistance

I have devices from at least 12 suppliers in my smart home lab.  The need is growing.

Multi-Device Digital Assistance
By Ryen W. White, Adam Fourney, Allen Herring, Paul N. Bennett, Nirupama Chandrasekaran, Robert Sim, Elnaz Nouri…

From insideHPC

An Update on ARM in HPC

An Update on ARM in HPC

Brent Gorda from Arm gave this talk at the Linaro Connect conference. "Arm-based systems are showing up in the HPC community and new silicon is coming. The architecture has also been selected for several of the exascale projects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Presentation Language Released

Alexa Presentation Language Released

Has been around now for a year,  worth looking at as to how capabilities that link voice, text and animation can be constructed.  Still need more ways to sweeten the actual intelligence provided.  Worth an examination as to the…

From insideHPC

Appentra announces Early Access Program for Parallelware Analyzer

Appentra announces Early Access Program for Parallelware Analyzer

Today Appentra announced the company is offering developers the opportunity to join the Early Access Program for Parallelware Analyzer. "While Appentra's Parallelware Trainer provides an interactive learning environment where…

From insideHPC

Inspur Launches Open AI Computing Solution

Inspur Launches Open AI Computing Solution

Today Inspur announced a pair of AI-technology driven open computing systems designed to improve the flexibility in customer deployments. "The OAI specification—led by Baidu, Facebook, and Microsoft in the OCP (Open Compute Project)…

From insideHPC

Adrian Tate named CEO of Numerical Algorithms Group

Adrian Tate named CEO of Numerical Algorithms Group

Today The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) announced that Adrian Tate is the company's new CEO. An established leader in the numerical libraries and HPC industries, Tate will replace Rob Meyer, who is standing down after 15 years…

From insideHPC

HPE Deploys TX-GAIA Supercomputer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

HPE Deploys TX-GAIA Supercomputer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Today HPE announced announced the deployment of a new supercomputer at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center for compute-intensive AI applications and bolstering research across engineering, science, and medicine. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tales of Ring Surveillance

Tales of Ring Surveillance

The implications of cheap, widespread, continuous surveillance in the suburbs has got me thinking of late.  And then this Wired piece on just this topic came up, describing some of the more unusual things that have come out of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Chatbot connected to Cryptocurrency Blockchain?

A Chatbot connected to Cryptocurrency Blockchain?

Very interesting idea of linking a chatbot with various cryptocurrency use possibilities.    A kind of assistant play.   Some suggested ideas about how this might be used.  Recall though that Facebook rumors don't often come


From The Eponymous Pickle

Regulating AI, Digital Identity, Blockchain

Regulating AI, Digital Identity, Blockchain

A pretty broad swath of technology being covered here.   Will this stunt emergent technology?   Note the inclusion of 'Other innovative technologies'.   Do we imagine China will do this?

Via Technology Review:

 .... The US House…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A CERN for Climate Change and the National Security Implications of Cybersecurity

A CERN for Climate Change and the National Security Implications of Cybersecurity

The following post is from Khari Douglas, who is currently at the 2019 Heidelberg Laureate Forum in Heidelberg Germany.  Every year at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) a hot topic, or theme, related to mathematics and computer…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Quantum Switch-Em

A recipe for changing the objectives of problems Composite crop of src1, src2, src3 Aram Harrow, Avinatan Hassidim, and Seth Lloyd are quantum stars who have done many other things as well. They are jointly famous for their 2009…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Have worked with TIBCO / Spotfire  in several enterprises, here indications of their further move to AI driven solutions.   Worth a look.

TIBCO strengthens commitment to providing cloud-native, open, and AI-driven solutions


From Computational Complexity

Quantum Supremacy

By now you've probably heard the rumors of Google achieving quantum supremacy. I don't have inside information outside of Scott's blog post but it looks like the news should be embargoed until the release of a Science or Nature…

From insideHPC

Run Quantum Codes today with QC Ware Public Beta of Forge

Run Quantum Codes today with QC Ware Public Beta of Forge

Today quantum startup QC Ware launched the public beta of its Forge cloud service. QC Ware developed Forge to enable large enterprises and public-sector organizations to start building quantum skills and prepare for the potential…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Meet Bold Bridge Advisors

Meet Bold Bridge Advisors

Now associated with Bold Bridge Advisors

A group with wide and deep experience in delivering AI and analytical systems,  with global experience in IBM and other methodologies.     With enterprises…

From insideHPC

Reflections on Deep Learning, DNNs, and AI on Wall Street

Reflections on Deep Learning, DNNs, and AI on Wall Street

In this special guest feature, Bob Fletcher from Verne Global reflects on the recent HPC and AI on Wall Street conference. "Almost every organization at the event talked about their use of machine learning and some indicated …

From insideHPC

An Update on the European Processor Initiative

An Update on the European Processor Initiative

Jean-Marc Denis from EPI gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "The EPI project aims to deliver a high-performance, low-power processor, implementing vector instructions and specific accelerators with high bandwidth memory access…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Powered Wireless Emotion Sensing

AI Powered Wireless Emotion Sensing

Another ability to sense neuromarketing signals?

EmoSense: an AI-powered and wireless emotion sensing system    by Ingrid Fadelli, Tech Xplore

Researchers at Hefei University of Technology in China and various universities in Japan…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI is Computer Science

AI is Computer Science

Short excerpt that is interesting.

AI isn’t magic. It’s computer science.
Rob Thomas (IBM) and Tim O’Reilly discuss the hard work and mass experimentation that will lead to AI breakthroughs.

This is a keynote highlight from the


From insideHPC

Exploring the Performance Optimization and Productivity Project

Exploring the Performance Optimization and Productivity Project

Performance Optimization and Productivity ProjectThe "quest" for improved performance is never over, if you want to remain competitive in your respective market. Your end users will undoubtedly call for more speed in the future, and the models your clients are building are …