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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2021

From insideHPC

American Meteorological Society to Present Zelinka with Houghton Award

American Meteorological Society to Present Zelinka with Houghton Award

The Council of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) has selected atmospheric scientist Mark Zelinka of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to receive the Henry G. Houghton Award. Zelinka was cited by AMS for “innovative…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft, Google to Invest $30 Billion in Cybersecurity

Microsoft, Google to Invest $30 Billion in Cybersecurity

 In particular Microsoft needs it.    Some of their recently revealed issues are very serious. 

Microsoft, Google to Invest $30 Billion in Cybersecurity Over Next 5 Years

By August 27, 2021Ravie Lakshmanan

Google and MicrosoftThe…

From insideHPC

High Performance Data Center Services Provider Verne Global Acquired by Digital 9 Infrastructure for £231M

High Performance Data Center Services Provider Verne Global Acquired by Digital 9 Infrastructure for £231M

Verne Global, the Iceland-based data center services provider utilizing that island country’s zero-carbon geothermal energy resources for high intensity computing, announced yesterday it has been acquired by UK-based Digital …

From Schneier on Security

More Detail on the Juniper Hack and the NSA PRNG Backdoor

More Detail on the Juniper Hack and the NSA PRNG Backdoor

We knew the basics of this story, but it’s good to have more detail.

Here’s me in 2015 about this Juniper hack. Here’s me in 2007 on the NSA backdoor.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Wants to Own the Living Room?

Amazon Wants to Own the Living Room?

Is this because it has been unable to completely own the home, front door or the car?  Looking forward to seeing this.

Why does Amazon want a branded TV?  by Tom Ryan  in Retailwire reportedly plans to market its own…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Now Much Older Pythagorean Theorem

The Now Much Older Pythagorean Theorem

 The Pythagorean theorem, you know the very handy rule about the squares of the hypotenuse.   Invented by Pythagoras. ...   Well no.    We now have just recently learned, it has been around, and identified in archeology tablets…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stocks to Watch for Analytics

Stocks to Watch for Analytics

If analytics are the future, how to invest in them?    Here a reasonable set of well known choices.    We worked with all of them, and many more.  Note that the term 'AI' is not often mentioned, which is good, analytics is aUsing…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Some Simple Early Programming Projects

Some Simple Early Programming Projects

If you are not on Twitter you may be missing a lot of good things. For example, the other day Kelly Lougheed (@kellylougheed ) tweeted out a bunch of simple labs that only require user input and mathematical operations. I have…

From Schneier on Security

Security Risks of Relying on a Single Smartphone

Security Risks of Relying on a Single Smartphone

Isracard used a single cell phone to communicate with credit card clients, and receive documents via WhatsApp. An employee stole the phone. He reformatted the SIM, which was oddly the best possible outcome, given the circumstances…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making it Rain

Making it Rain

 Back long ago was part of a group that investigated the ability to make it rain.  Aimed at general agriculture  Its a long ago desire, with many failures and also expression of pitfalls involved.  Well here it is again.   Now…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Buy to Do a Virtual Store

Best Buy to Do a Virtual Store

Useful to test the concept, and build versions of it to test with consumers.  

Best Buy builds a virtual store to assist customers remotely   by Matthew Stern

Distribution centers have taken on a more important role in retail as…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram Alpha Introduces Math Input

Wolfram Alpha Introduces Math Input

From Wolfram

We are excited to talk about a feature we released this summer that we call Math Input. We’ve had many requests to add this feature to the site, and after a lot of hard work from multiple teams, we’re ready to share…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning in Robot Automation

Deep Learning in Robot Automation

 How do you automate Warehouse logistics?

Deep Learning in Robotic Automation and Warehouse Logistics  in NVIDIA Developer

By Troy Estes  Tags: Edge Computing, EGX, Manufacturing, Metropolis, News, Retail, Robotics

Advanced warehouses…

From Computational Complexity

Guest Post on Solving (or trying to) Poly Diophantine Equations by Bogdan Grechuk

(Guest post by Bogdan Grechuk)

Motivated by Mathoverflow question here I have recently became interested in solving Polynomial Diophantine equations, that is, equations of the form


for some polynomial Phere…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Netflix Advances

Netflix Advances

Being a longtime techie, but have been fairly late to services like Netflix.     Been impressed though in how they deliver a vast amount of goods and attract lots of people.  Less impressed by the quality of the goods.   Huge…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA Shanghai Concept Store Goes for Makers, Innovation ... Less Maze

IKEA Shanghai Concept Store Goes for Makers, Innovation ... Less Maze

Nice thoughts, will it work effectively?

Can IKEA’s store layout still amaze without a maze?   by Matthew Stern  with further expert commentary.   in Retailwire.

Customers have long associated IKEA with the experience with traversing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vaccine Nudging Tested

Vaccine Nudging Tested

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST:  (from Kowledge@Wharton) 

Wharton’s Mitesh Patel speaks with Wharton Business Daily on SiriusXM about how text-based nudges increase vaccination rates.

The best way to get patients to take their vaccinations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Domo Arigato, Mr.Roboto

Domo Arigato, Mr.Roboto

The UpPenn Language Log looks at the origin of the word

Domo arigato, 

Mr. Roboto  

in the Language Log by Victor Mair  

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Powered Edge from NVidia

AI Powered Edge from NVidia

Just make sure they are also secure.

A Powered Edge from NVIDIA

Smart buildings, connected manufacturing plants, retail stores, hospitals and more -- all are getting smarter. Like really smart.

Equipped with networked sensors, data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Value Creation

On Value Creation

Have read this before, good overview.

Value Realization, Value Positioning, Value Creation

Dave Brock -September 4, 2021 

As sales and marketing people, the concept of “Value Proposition” has become fundamental in our positioning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the use of Content in this Blog

On the use of Content in this Blog

Updates on use:

      A quote from an article here is in italics.  Non italics are my words.

       When the quote ends   with an :  "    ..."    it means I have cut off, at my discretion, the remains of the quote.    To minimize…

From The Eponymous Pickle

When will the COVID-19 pandemic end?

When will the COVID-19 pandemic end?

McKinsey writes.   And what is the definition of  'ends'?   Normalcy is? 

August 23, 2021 | Article

By Sarun Charumilind, Matt Craven, Jessica Lamb, Adam Sabow, Shubham Singhal, and Matt Wilson

When will the COVID-19 pandemic end…

From My Biased Coin

Harvard Shopping Period, Here We Go Again

Harvard Shopping Period, Here We Go Again

I was looking at today's Harvard Crimson, and noted that Harvard's shopping period looks ready to be vanished again.  Shopping period is that wonderful Harvard tradition where students don't preregister for classes, but instead…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Are You Assigning Projects or Recipes?

Are You Assigning Projects or Recipes?

Chris Lehmann, the amazing principal of Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia,  says “If you assign a project and get back 30 of the same thing, that’s not a project, that is a recipe.”  Now recipes have their place forFor…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forward to Smart Glasses

Forward to Smart Glasses

 Next step forward to usable smart glasses, driven by tiny lasers.  General or very narrow applications?

Tiny Lasers Could Finally Bring Us Really Smart AR Glasses Post–Google Glass, a new alliance says it has the winning tech…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will AI Reason like Humans?

Will AI Reason like Humans?

 IBM Still thinking Watson as assistant and more.

Tomorrow’s AI Will Reason Like Humans, IBM Watson Developer Predicts David Nahamoo says machines will grok us. 

When David Nahamoo was a high school student in Iran, he wanted to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A different kind of Work from Home

A different kind of Work from Home

 Thoughts on different kinds of work. 

The Rise of a Different Work-from-Home  by Jeff Jordan

Early in the COVID pandemic, my colleague D’Arcy Coolican and I penned “COVID-19 and the Great Rehiring”. The premise of the piece was…

From insideHPC

NEC Launches ‘Quantum-inspired’ Simulated Annealing Service Using Vector Supercomputers

NEC Launches ‘Quantum-inspired’ Simulated Annealing Service Using Vector Supercomputers

NEC Corporation has announced the launch of the “NEC Vector Annealing Service,” a quantum-inspired simulated annealing service that uses a vector supercomputer, as well as the launch of educational services that enable participants…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Impact of Cybersecurity and International Trade

Impact of Cybersecurity and International Trade

 Wladawsky-Berger's latest piece as applied to cybersecurity.  Below the intro, then much more inked to: 

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

A collection of observations, news and resources on the changing nature of innovation, technology…

From Schneier on Security

Lightning Cable with Embedded Eavesdropping

Lightning Cable with Embedded Eavesdropping

Normal-looking cables (USB-C, Lightning, and so on) that exfiltrate data over a wireless network.

I blogged about a previous prototype here