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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2022

From insideHPC

Red Hat Announces OpenStack Platform 17 for At-Scale Networks

Red Hat Announces OpenStack Platform 17 for At-Scale Networks

Sept. 28, 2022 — Red Hat announced OpenStack Platform 17, designed for large-scale networks “with an open hybrid cloud vision,” the company said. “With this latest version, service providers can benefit from the delivery of new…

From Writing

Terraform: Up & Running, 3rd edition is now published!

Terraform: Up & Running, 3rd edition is now published!

Today, I’m excited to announce that the 3rd edition of Terraform: Up & Running is now published! It includes over 100 pages of new content, including two totally new chapters, one on managing secrets with Terraform and one on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Erasure Key to Practical Quantum Computing

Erasure Key to Practical Quantum Computing

Tips towards Quantum improvement.

Erasure Key to Practical Quantum Computing

Researchers at Princeton University, Yale University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a method for error correction in a quantum…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security by Labeling

Security by Labeling

Security by Labeling

By Andreas Kuehn

Communications of the ACM, September 2022, Vol. 65 No. 9, Pages 23-25  10.1145/3548762

Empowering consumers to make risk-informed purchasing decisions when buying Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices…

From insideHPC

‘Shaheen III’: KAUST Selects HPE Cray EX HPC-AI Supercomputer with NVIDIA and AMD Chips

‘Shaheen III’: KAUST Selects HPE Cray EX HPC-AI Supercomputer with NVIDIA and AMD Chips

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has announced that King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) selected HPE to build its next-generation supercomputer, “Shaheen III,” using the HPE Cray EX supercomputer platform. The…

From insideHPC

How the HPC-AI Rocky Linux Server Operating System Rose from the CentOS Ashes

How the HPC-AI Rocky Linux Server Operating System Rose from the CentOS Ashes

[SPONSORED CONTENT]  CentOS disappeared in the dead of winter. On December 8, 2020, the day with the earliest sunset of the year in northern latitudes, Red Hat announced it would no longer support the Linux server operating system…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Economic Development Administration Awards Georgia Tech

Economic Development Administration Awards Georgia Tech

Impressed what I saw in long past visits  ... 

Economic Development Administration Awards Georgia Tech $65 Million for AI Manufacturing Project

Largest grant ever awarded to a Georgia Tech-led coalition of partners to drive Build…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Introduces Encrypted Communication Service AWS Wickr

Amazon Introduces Encrypted Communication Service AWS Wickr

 Had not heard of this offering.

Amazon Introduces Encrypted Communication Service AWS Wickr   by  Renato Losio

A year after the acquisition of the company Wickr, Amazon recently announced the preview of the collaboration suite…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Coordinated Science Laboratory Releases a Whitepaper on Key Findings from their Future of Computing Symposium

The Coordinated Science Laboratory Releases a Whitepaper on Key Findings from their Future of Computing Symposium

In 2021, the Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL) celebrated their 70th anniversary with two big events: the Future of Computing Symposium (October 2021) and the AI and Social Responsibility Symposium (March 2022). The CSL is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pre Bunking against Misinformation

Pre Bunking against Misinformation

Mostly,  always consider the source

Fighting Against Misinformation

By Associated Press, August 30, 2022

The researchers said short online videos that teach basic critical thinking skills can make people better able to resist misinformation…

From Computational Complexity

Is the complexity of approximating Vertex Cover of degree 3 open?


A max-problem f has a A P Time App Scheme (PTAS) if there is an algorithm ALG such that

 ALG(\epsilon) \ge (1-\epsilon)f(x).

A min-problem f has a A P Time App Scheme (PTAS) if there is an algorithm ALG such that


From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Directed Security Issues

AI Directed Security Issues

 Also discussed in Schneier, with further comment, makes me think of 'dueling AI' scenarios.

You can’t solve AI security problems with more AI  From

One of the most common proposed solutions to prompt injection…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On NeuroSymbolic AI

On NeuroSymbolic AI

New to me, worth understanding in useful contexts ...

Neurosymbolic AI, By Don Monroe

Communications of the ACM, October 2022, Vol. 65 No. 10, Pages 11-13   10.1145/3554918

The ongoing revolution in artificial intelligence (AI)—in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Seeking to Improve Customer Pickup

Kroger Seeking to Improve Customer Pickup

Semi automation of customer pickup interaction and satisfaction.

Will electronic carts help Kroger fulfill curbside pickup orders more quickly?  by Matthew Stern in Retailwire

Kroger is introducing a temperature-controlled electronic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Make the Mask a Way to Detect Disease

Make the Mask a Way to Detect Disease

Had seen something similar presented,  sanitizing more complex masks was mentioned as an issue.  ,

Smart Mask Could Be Early Warning System   By South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), September 22, 2022

A team of Chinese scientists…

From The Eponymous Pickle

X-rays, AI and 3D printing Bring lost Van Gogh Artwork to life

X-rays, AI and 3D printing Bring lost Van Gogh Artwork to life

Worked previously with UCL

X-rays, AI and 3D printing bring lost Van Gogh Artwork to life

by University College London

Using X-rays, artificial intelligence and 3D printing, two UCL researchers reproduced a "lost" work of art by…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Teaching Cursive Handwriting

AI Teaching Cursive Handwriting

Unusual application for these times, but I agree it can have useful side effects.

Applied AI Teaches Handwriting    By Esther Shein

Communications of the ACM, October 2022, Vol. 65 No. 10, Pages 19-20   10.1145/3554919


From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

Delicious computing: gestural computing with bananas and pizzas…

Delicious computing: gestural computing with bananas and pizzas…

Imagine being able to pick up an ordinary banana and use it as a phone. That's part of the vision of 'invoked computing', which is being developed by Japanese researchers...

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

Hiding in Skype: cryptography and steganography

Hiding in Skype: cryptography and steganography

Computer Science isn't just about using language, sometimes it's about losing it. Sometimes people want to send messages so no one even knows they exist and a great place to lose language is inside a conversation.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ask Dumb Questions

Ask Dumb Questions

Ask enough questions and you will notuce they are getting smarter.

When AI Asks Dumb Questions, It Gets Smart Fast   In Science, September 22, 2022

New research suggests patiently correcting artificial intelligence (AI) when it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognixion One, a Brain Interface with AR

Cognixion One, a Brain Interface with AR

Brought to my attention.    Updates to Cognixion.   More at the link. Let me know of your experience and I will report it here ....


The World's First Brain Computer Interface with Augmented Reality

Wearable Speech™ Generating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimizing Fluid Mixing with Machine Learning

Optimizing Fluid Mixing with Machine Learning

 Interaction between RL and Markov decision method is interesting 

Optimizing Fluid Mixing with Machine Learning

Tokyo University of Science (Japan)

August 29, 2022

Researchers in Japan have proposed a machine learning-based approach…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Rolling in China

Robotics Rolling in China

 Stats on Global and Chinese Robot use: 

China's Factories Accelerate Robotics Push as Workforce Shrinks

The Wall Street Journal

Jason Douglas, September 18, 2022

A report from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) revealed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Building a Brain Atlas

Building a Brain Atlas

New effort moves forward: 

NIH’s BRAIN Initiative puts $500 million into creating most detailed ever human brain atlas

Neuroscientists will build on census of mouse brain as massive program moves into new phase

22 SEP 202210:00The…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Denoising Images

Denoising Images

 A New Method for Denoising Images

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)

September 13, 2022

Researchers from South Korea's Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Vietnam's VinAI Research, and Canada's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Electric Planes

Future of Electric Planes

Good overview of efforts underway.

Electric planes take off   in Strategy-Business

The potential for short-haul electric flight is energizing aviation’s newest startups.

by Raymond Colitt

Two airports in Spain illustrate both the…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Optimizing compilers deduplicate strings and arrays

Optimizing compilers deduplicate strings and arrays

When programming, it can be wasteful to store the same constant data again and again. You use more memory, you access more data. Thankfully, your optimizing compiler may help. Consider the following two lines of C code: printf…

From insideHPC

DOE to Fund $42M for HPC Cooling Systems

DOE to Fund $42M for HPC Cooling Systems

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy today announced up to $42 million in funding for “high-performance energy efficient cooling solutions for data centers.” More about the COOLERCHIPS funding opportunity, and details…

From insideHPC

Analytics8 Acquires Analytics Consultancy Mashey

Analytics8 Acquires Analytics Consultancy Mashey

CHICAGO, Sept. 22, 2022 — Analytics8, a data and analytics consulting firm, has announced the acquisition of Denver-based Mashey, a data analytics consultancy focused on modern data technology.   The move to acquire Mashey—which…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will DART Save us?

Will DART Save us?

  Closely following this, will be shown live on Monday. Earth will inevitably be hit by a serious space rock again, so its good to be ready now.     Lets learn as much as we can.

NASA’s DART Mission Aims to Save the World. Robotic…