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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2022

From insideHPC

NTT Research and Tokyo Tech Announce Algorithm that Enhances Performance and Scope of Coherent Ising Machine

NTT Research and Tokyo Tech Announce Algorithm that Enhances Performance and Scope of Coherent Ising Machine

Sunnyvale, Calif. – December 20, 2022 – NTT Research, Inc., a division of NTT (TYO:9432), today announced that scientists from the NTT Research Physics & Informatics (PHI) Lab and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) have…

From Schneier on Security

Trojaned Windows Installer Targets Ukraine

Trojaned Windows Installer Targets Ukraine

Mandiant is reporting on a trojaned Windows installer that targets Ukrainian users. The installer was left on various torrent sites, presumably ensnaring people downloading pirated copies of the operating system:

Mandiant uncovered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mars Has Year Round Energy

Mars Has Year Round Energy


Mars has enough wind to power bases near the poles all year round

An analysis of the wind energy available on Mars finds that one well-placed turbine could enable a group of six people to live near the poles all year…


How do Authors' Perceptions about their Papers Compare with Co-Authors' Perceptions and Peer-Review Decisions?

How do Authors' Perceptions about their Papers Compare with Co-Authors' Perceptions and Peer-Review Decisions?

Does peer review change authors' perception of their own papers?


On the Evolution of Languages: Natural, Mathematical, and Computational

On the Evolution of Languages: Natural, Mathematical, and Computational

Comparing the evolution of natural languages, which are used by people all over the world, with two artificial languages: the language of mathematics and programing languages.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White Papers for Mid-cycle Robotics Roadmap Update due January 9, 2023

White Papers for Mid-cycle Robotics Roadmap Update due January 9, 2023

A reminder that white papers for a mid-cycle update to the Robotics Roadmap due January 9, 2023. Through support from the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), the US National Robotics Roadmap was first created thirteen years…

From Geeking with Greg

Are ad-supported business models anti-consumer?

Are ad-supported business models anti-consumer?

Advertising-supported businesses are harder to align with long-term customer satisfaction than subscription businesses, but they make more money if they do.

A common view is that ad-supported websites, in their drive for more…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Thoughts on Optimization of Code

Thoughts on Optimization of Code

Donald E. Knuth famously said "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." The important word there is “premature.” Optimization is not a bad thing. It isn’t always required though.  The joke is that a programmer will spend…


Can Transaction Costs Explain Scale-Free Networks Born by Preferential Attachment?

Can Transaction Costs Explain Scale-Free Networks Born by Preferential Attachment?

Centralization leads to more efficient communication and control, which leads to lower transaction costs, which increases the useful work each node can spend on core non-communication tasks.

From insideHPC

Silicon Photonics and the Hunt for an HPC Bandwidth Bottleneck Breakthrough

Silicon Photonics and the Hunt for an HPC Bandwidth Bottleneck Breakthrough

“FLOPS are cheap, moving data is expensive.” In HPC circles this sentiment is heard often. There’s a growing sense that classical HPC systems and the advanced chips that power them are pushing up against their practical limits…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sears Hometown

Sears Hometown

Was informed of this some time ago and the name Sears struck me, in the day had consulted with Sears and often shopped there.  Used to have the best prices.  Knew of Sears Holdings, which at this time primarily was involved with…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on Remote Factory Supply Chain Work

Thoughts on Remote Factory Supply Chain Work

 Thought is not new,   a step towards the Metaverse?   Increases in security concerns an issue,  it canbe done, but will it be?   Most supply chains are remotely automated to some degree today. 

Will the next industrial revolution…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on ChatGPT

Thoughts on ChatGPT

Diving deeper into this, definitely worth a look.

As Google weighs in on ChatGPT, enters the AI chat

By Sharon Goldman  @sharongoldman, December 15, 2022 in VentureBeat

Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent…

From Schneier on Security

How to Surrender to a Drone

How to Surrender to a Drone

The Ukrainian army has released an instructional video explaining how Russian soldiers should surrender to a drone:

“Seeing the drone in the field of view, make eye contact with it,” the video instructs. Soldiers should then…

From Putting People First

[Book] Co-Cities

[Book] Co-Cities

A new model of urban governance, mapping the route to a more equitable management of a city’s infrastructure and services.

From Computational Complexity

Voter Suppression, Harvard Style

The following appeared on Harry Lewis's blog, here, hence it is written in his voice, though it is a co-authored. You'll see why later.  I then have some comments on it. 


Voter Suppression…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Europe, Germany, Gets first Exascale Super Computer

Europe, Germany,  Gets first Exascale Super Computer

Europe get a big computing push.   See here for more about the specs of Exascale computing.


Germany will host JUPITER, Europe’s entry into the exascale realm     in Spectrum IEEE

The existing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Augmented Reality Talent Sources

Mobile Augmented Reality Talent Sources

Agree, this is not common, perhaps in the game space?   Appreciate the lack of connective knowledge.   We spent some time at this in two very different domains.  (Defense and Packaged Goods) 

The talent Needed to adopt mobile …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Generative AI and Games

Generative AI and Games

Intriguing approach .

The Generative AI Revolution in Games

Excerpt from James Gwertzman and Jack Soslow   in,  Andreessen Horowitz

AI, machine & deep learning  gaming, social, and new media  Generative AI  machine learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New AI Speeds Computer Graphics by Up to 5x

New AI Speeds Computer Graphics by Up to 5x

New AI Speeds Computer Graphics by Up to 5x

By IEEE Spectrum, December 1, 2022

Examples of two-dimensional images rendered in three dimensions.

Nvidia Instant NeRF uses neural rendering to generate 3D visuals from 2D images.

On September…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Trust in Online Content Moderation Depends on Moderator

Trust in Online Content Moderation Depends on Moderator

See also previous note about this topic

Fairly obvious if the background of moderators is accurately provided. 

By Cornell Chronicle, November 3, 2022

A human and an artificial intelligence providing content moderation. 

Nearly 400…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fake News, Echo Chambers & Polarization: How Bad Is Social Media?

Fake News, Echo Chambers & Polarization: How Bad Is Social Media?

Sabrine Hossenfelder does a good job in covering a number of research papers on this important topic, and analyzes them.    A fairly balanced look as I see it.   Including references to a number of studies that have been made…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Coding with ChatGPT–Armstrong Numbers

Coding with ChatGPT–Armstrong Numbers

Trying out ChatGPT seems to be all the rage these days in certain geek circles. I may even be late to the game but I tried a few things over the last couple of days.

I started with one of my favorite little projects. Armstrong…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Tiny Robotics

More on Tiny Robotics

 Still hard, but advancing. 

Minuscule Sensing Suite Is a Big Step Toward Robotic Gnats Tiny flying robots need even tinier flying sensors    By Evan Ackerman   in IEEE Spectrum

Picture: An accelerometer, camera, and microprocessor…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Water Worlds?

Water Worlds?

The breadth of planet types is beginning to be seen ... 

Scientists may have found the first water worlds?

Density suggests these "super-Earths" are more like giant, hot Europas.

JOHN TIMMER - 12/15/2022  in ArsTechnica

Two planets…

From The Eponymous Pickle

RIP Passwords Again?

RIP Passwords Again?

Security advances. 

 RIP Passwords? Passkey support rolls out to Chrome stable

With a huge list of caveats, initial Google passkey support is here.


Passkeys are here to (try to) kill the password. Following Google's beta…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hololens Use Example in Healthcare

Hololens Use Example in Healthcare

 An example that as recently described to me in more detail. 

HoloLens Headsets Connect Patients, Metropolitan Doctors

By ABC News (Australia), October 31, 2022

HoloLens allows a nurse to pinpoint areas of concern to a specialist…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid in Concert

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid in Concert

Squid is performing a concert in London in February.

If you don’t know what their music is like, try this or this or this.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Overture Maps to Emerge to Compete with Google

Overture Maps to Emerge to Compete with Google

 Nice to see Competitive Geographical mapping, been using Google for some time.   Google has done a great job,  but want to see yet more creative things.   Open Source I see.   Note the number of participants. 

Linux, Amazon,Overture…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Fails to Gain Traction in the Enterprise

Blockchain Fails to Gain Traction in the Enterprise

More on Enterprise Blockchain, Maersk

Blockchain Fails to Gain Traction in the Enterprise

The Wall Street Journal

Isabelle Bousquette, December 15, 2022

Blockchain technology's widespread enterprise adoption has failed to materialize…